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    Children! No Laughing At Pappa! 02


    I'm sorry. Really really I am...

    but I can't HELP it.

    If I found this ribbon bar anywhere it would be immediately rejected as JUNK--

    Not In My Collection!!!! :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1:

    This Flak Stabsfeldwebel obviously went into the army in the last days of the World War and here in 1936/37 has a solid 18 years of duty in.

    So what on EARTH is he DOING with his

    Hindenburg Cross for Combatants incorrectly AFTER his Wehrmacht long service awards :banger:

    And as a LUFTWAFFE senior NCO... what is he doing with two ARMY long service eagles? :speechless1:

    Two completely different SIZED army long service eagles? :speechless1::speechless:

    All part of the best

    and worst :cheeky:

    courtesy of Robert Noss.

    From the album:

    Ribbon Bar Photos in Wear

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