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    Leaves & Swords: Baden 1


    Swords AND leaves are quite unusual as a German ribbon device, since only a very few awards used this combination.

    Baden's Order of the Z?hringen Lion used the same gold leaves and Xs for both Knight 1st and Knight 2nd Class. Since thsoe were awarded by military rank of the recipient, correct class can usually be deduced from the other awards present.

    Knights 1st Class with Oakleaves and Swords were awarded to Lieutenant Colonels. Knights 2nd Class with Oakleaves and Swords were awarded to Captains.

    Notice on this wartime bar that the prongs are visible bulging against the ribbbon. That is because early ribbon bars were made with solid sheet metal stock, unholed for devices. Any devices were poked through a ribbon and the prongs bent up on the underside of the ribbon before it was sewn down on top of the metal backing.

    That was highly unsatisfactory, but typical of the early "learning stages" of German ribbon bar development.

    From the album:

    Ribbon Bar Devices Gallery

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