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    Dave B

    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Dave B

    1. I've only just started collecting Dragon/DID figures so I only have 4 at the moment.

      From left to right "Major Manfred Boelcke",Generalmajor Adolf Galland and a Luftwaffe "Squadron Leader".



    2. Say what????

      Don't listen to that!!! Wait till you folks see this man's work!! The photos will speak for themselves.

      P.S. I tried to go to another site and hijack a few of your photos to post here, but I can't get in..... :mad:

      I've got a few of Robert's pics on file :rolleyes:...if it's ok by you Robert then I'll post a few?


    3. Hi Jim,

      I would really love to post some pictures, but I?m still on probation here my friend. When my time will come I promise you I will try to contribute on the regular basis... ;)

      Ps. Thanks for your nice comments. I really appreciate it, but I?m not worth it.

      Don't be modest Robert,your photo's are incredible!


    4. Wow some fantastic photos here chaps :jumping: Jim you flatter me mate :blush: but I haven't done an artistic photo for a loooong time and I'm a bit out of touch,I'm waiting for a new camera I've ordered to arrive and as soon as it's here I will add some photo's(if they are any good of course :( )

      Is Robert a member here?....now his photos are amazing :beer:

      Let's see some more pics!


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