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    Posts posted by nesredep

    1. Luftwaffe Medical Corps

      The Medical Branch of the Luftwaffe was one of the original career fields present when the Luftwaffe came out into the open on March 01, 1935.

      The standard waffenfarbe for the Luftwaffe Medical branch was cornflower blue. When attached to the Hermann Goering Division and the Luftwaffe Field Division, the solid blue collar tabs and shoulder boards were to be retained, by order(although as most rules, this one seemed to have been broken from time to time).

      These men and officers filled roles ranging from direct patient care in the field to research and development of medications and procedures to drafting health awareness cartoons. Dentists were also included in the medical corps.

      Ranking nomenclature:


      Sanitatssoldat- soldat

      Sanitatsobersoldat- Oberschutz

      Sanitatsgrefeiter- Grefeiter

      Sanitatsobergrefeiter- Obergrefeiter

      Sanitatsunteroffizier- Unteroffizier

      Sanitatsunterfeldwebel- Unterfeldwebel

      Sanitatsfeldwebel- Feldwebel

      Sanitatsoberfeldwebel- Oberfeldwebel

      Sanitatsstabsfeldwebel- Stabsfeldwebel


      Assistenzarzt- Leutnant

      Oberarzt- Oberleutnant

      Stabsarzt- Hauptmann

      Oberstabsarzt- Major

      Oberfeldarzt- Oberstleutnant

      Oberstarzt- Oberst

      Generalarzt- Generalmajor

      Generalstabsarzt- Generalleutnant

      Generaloberstabsarzt- Generaloberst/Head of Medical Services

      The Luftwaffe used trained Officials for medical ancillary services. The specialties can be recognized by the nebenfarbe on the shoulder boards.

      Apple Green- Pharmacists

      Orange- School Special Service, Librarian Service, Pharmacist(post 1940), Psychologist Service, Veterinary Service, Luftwaffe War Science Section.

      More information can be seen about the Luftwaffe Administrative Officials here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18055


      Paul R

      You did a very good job on this tread. :cheers:

      Best regards


    2. Cast fakes, at that. Notice the "bronze" Ostvolk appears to be PAINTED... brown... over the silvery base metal.

      Unfortunately for the REAL medal bars using this uncommon flat bottomed ribbons style, this is the all but unviversal LAZY fakers' mass produced style of current choice, since it is so much easier to make than the normal German style with "bow" bottom ribbons.

      Interesting trend-- have these butchers used up all the torn to shreds original medal bars they've been Frankensteining to make garbage bars with, and are now reduced to mixing fake medals in on their fake bars?


      actually, the more I look at this: I think ALL the medals are cast fakes. Notice the identical curved flaw in the reverse of BOTH Ostv?lker, descending from the middle to the bottom star point, the very odd coloration of the KVK (compare front and back, with the worst color on the protected reverse) etc.


      I agree.



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