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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Tony

    1. Hello Theodor, Very nice and can we expect an invite to try them out? Without your 26mm diameter measurement I'd have had an off hand guess at a 37mm Hotchkiss, but obviously not. Tony
    2. Thanks Darrell, but I was hoping you?d tell me he was awarded the VC for taking out 16 machine gun nests single handed, while bringing in wounded under heavy shell fire at Vimy or somewhere in the salient. Here?s a pic of him, he has two shoulder titles, one probably says Canada but all I can make out on the other is ?NF or ?WF, any ideas? Are Canadians not on the NA site, I can't find him there?
    3. Can anyone give me some info on the 138th Battalion CEF? I have an enlistment certificate (if that?s what it is called) for William Tour of Edmonton who enlisted in 138 O? Batt. CEF but can?t find him online. He isn?t on CWGC either so must have survived. I?ve found out that 138 Batt. left for England in August 1916 but were soon incorporated into 137th and 175th Battalions. Any help or tips on where to look would be great. Thanks Tony
    4. Most people go and see the butcher for their Sunday roast, my father-in-law used to take that thing to the woods and bring back yummy things like hare or pheasant by using the larger barrels, and deer or wild boar with smaller barrel. Tony
    5. Last one, depicting a quiet period in the trenches.
    6. This one may be early on (1915) in the war as the soldier is wearing a Gor Blimey. No doubt these cards were used throughout the war though.
    7. A nasty one that probably happened quite often.
    8. Another few coming up. For anyone who doesn't know, Keating's Powder was meant to combat lice.
    9. Ahhhhhh, now I can see what I took a photo of.
    10. A question probably asked quite often when lucky enough to be back home.
    11. This one was posted from Sennelager. I bet there's a few of us here who have done some training there.
    12. Kev, I don't have many serious cards in colour so I hope you don't mind some comical ones. Starting off seriously. Tony
    13. Keeping on topic. Oops it's come out a little dark, sorry.
    14. I have this one too. Will have to scan some of mine, might start tonight. Tony
    15. I recently bought a fake badge from France for comparison but couldn't see any visual difference between that and an original. I should add that the fake badge didn't fit in an Adrian I have, that originally sported a Belgian badge. The prongs were soldered too high. Tony
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