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    Everything posted by kapten_windu

    1. Finally it's arrived!! but there's something strange, on the reverse of sash badge it stated ''PRAEMIUM MERITI'' while on the breast badge it stated "PRAEMIUN MERITI", how it can be different M and N? i found a picture on eBay, in there the breast badge also stated PRAEMIUN too, so how's this happen? Does the badge with PRAEMIUN is a jeweller's made? anyone can explain this phenomena?
    2. All photo above were taken during my visit on Satria Mandala Museum, Jakarta..
    3. Wow, that's amazing! So he was the only Nederlandsch-Indie (Indonesia) native officer that got this sabre? Or anyone else?
    4. more information regarding Soedirman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudirman
    5. The one and the only Indonesian Suryawasesa order (it's different with Soerakarta's Kyai Suryawisesa order) belong to Jenderal besar Soedirman (legendary leader of Indonesian Army who fought as guerilla during Dutch 2nd aggression..
    6. Soeharto and Nasution, both as Jenderal besar (5 stars)
    7. Order of Republic Indonesia Adipurna (Indonesian highest ODM)
    8. the name of the foreign ODM he got (i hope the photo clear enough to you):
    9. Soeharto, Indonesian former president and army general (more information at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suharto ) this is some photo about his ODM (from Indonesia it self and from foreign) 1. ODM from Indonesia
    10. Hi Odulf, many thanks for your correction.. R. Ario Majangkoro reached the rank Lt. Colonel during his service, and when he retired he got honorary promotion as a colonel.. He was the highest native career officer.. Unfortunately i can't track where are the decorations and the sabre now, They are beautiful pieces, and of course very historical.. Windu
    11. Hi Captain, thank you, this is my oldest medal/medallion for now.. The exact information about this medal purpose is still unknown..
    12. oh, i see,, The information from my source is very unclear, maybe the he was misinterpreting it's as Sultan's, not the envoy.. Many of the orders existency and the information were gone as the Dutch attack and erase that kingdom/sultanate, during Japanese invasion, or National Revolution during Indonesian Independence struggle.. Many of the order destroyed or stolen during that period.. It's very difficult to track and get sufficient information of them, but that's the challenge.. :)
    13. This is Order of Medjidie for Sultan Jambi.. I've post under Turkey section about this.. Now it's on museum kesultanan Jambi..
    14. that's why i want to keep it live in this forum.. i won't it gone with the wind.. :whistle:
    15. Oh, poor him, OK, it's being more mysterious for me to know what medal are they.. :)
    16. Hi James, thank you for the identification, but as long as i knew there's no War Cross for Java War, there just a round shaped Java medal.. Maybe Dutch long service medal with wrong ribbon??
    17. Hi Paul, thanks for the identification.. At first I thought it was a campaign medal.. :P
    18. What medal is this? Period? value?
    19. Odulf, thanks for identify.. so what's the first medal on his medal bar? the service cross is the 2nd in row i think.. Arthur, yes poor him, he always came on a duty in the wrong time..:speechless:
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