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    Paul Evans (fus evo)

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    1. I can't believe Ive stumbled across this post after this many years. After reading this I can remember it like it was yesterday, I remember waking up lying on the floor of the porticabin wondering why the roof was gone and the room was flattened. I though I had falling out of bed to start with until I heard Cpl Sayers shouting my name then I realized we had came under contact. I remember trying to get up but I couldn't move which made me panic, looking back that would of been partly due to rubble and the gpmg hitting and lying on my legs but also numbness due to landing on the floor from the top bunk. Once we were out of the rubble we were going to the Sub to make sure the rest of the lads were ok, I remember Patch covered in blood and looking like he was going into shock so I left the sub to go to the wash area to get him some water, on the way there I will never forget seeing flashes and loud bangs which I thought were coming from members of the IRA firing at me I remember thinking ###### wheres my SA80 which was amongst the rubble of the porticabin. I crouched down and as the flashes got bigger I realized it was the massive generator which powered the camp thats had been destroyed making all the noise which sounded like explosions. Once I got to where the wash rooms were they were none existent the place was scattered everywhere. It was surreal at the time I always thought if we were going to come under contact it would have been in the 6 week Newry patrols not a secure camp. Walking the Derry-begs on bonfire night and threw Newry town center on New Years Eve was interesting. There were some brave lads that day at R15 none more than Cpl Sayers and Fus Grundy.
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