Hi, I was made a member of the GQ Gold Wings Club after having to bail out of a glider that was destroyed by lightning in 1999. The glider flight was a 30th birthday present and was to become a day to remember! You may be interested to read my story on the attachment to this link, there is also a link to BBC and ITV TV reconstructions of that days events. see:- http://sites.google.com/site/thebig4...theskiesagain/
I have set up a face book group for any other GQ Gold Wing or Irvin Caterpillar Club members to join if you are or know anyone who is a member of one of these exclusive clubs then please join/let them know of the group so that our stories can be shared. see :- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=129034207147851
This is a link to the photo of my Gold GQ Badge, My name (G Cooper) and membership number is inscribed on the back together with the gold hall mark, there is also a photo of the Caterpillar Club badge and my ripcord. see:- http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pi...29034207147851
Regards Graeme