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    Posts posted by Stogieman

    1. or maybe you could just save the photo of the back of Luftmensch's badge and come to the Nirvana that if it's Juncker, it better look EXACTLY like his. This will be irrespective of whether the badge bears full marks, or just the moon 800. It better be the same..............

      The badge in the case is bogus. The mark is bogus. I have no clue what the case is, but it is NOT a period case by Juncker, or by Meybauer.

    2. Jan.... Rick said there's some issues dating these as the Mongolian Calender (per Dr. Battushig) (page 11)actually begins in 1911 as year one! So the "Year 36" date is actually 1946!!

      This is actually is born out by the photograph in my booklet... there were no ribbon bars in Mongolia until 1945.......... while the book says "year 36".........

    3. And therein lies much of the problem Mike. The best and first thing you can do is only buy the badge from someone you know and trust to know what the heck they are doing. Whomever they are, make sure they offer an iron-clad return policy on authenticity.

      You can't buy these from photographs unless you relly know what you're doing and even then there's a very large margin for error..... Let's look at another clever offering:

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