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    Stogieman last won the day on May 19

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      Cape Cod
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    1. And yet another fake 1870 Grand Cross in a made up case. Sold to an unknown offer, asking was $1350
    2. If that’s the case, when he upgraded the bar to reflect award of the Centennial Medal maybe he just moved the battle bars to the new bar?
    3. Wow Alex, that’s quite the statement. I wasn’t aware there were “rules” regarding acknowledgement of all the wonderful contributions. I’ll try to keep that in mind for the future. Thanks so much!!
    4. This bar went for about $450 USD. Interesting, but unsure, what do you think?
    5. … what the third ribbon is on the feldspange? There’s a device but unsure what this is. Thanks!!
    6. I think the EK2 might be legit but the clasp is a copy. $525, usual suspect
    7. Good Morning. I think if they served in the US but not overseas they would be entitled to a VM with no bars. I have a USMC GCM dated 1921 and he served his enlistment at Parris Island so no bars for him.
    8. Uncommon medal, uncommon condition, about as complete a set as you could get, 322-Euro
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