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    Posts posted by Stogieman

    1. Yes, I would agree... the early American History is also rife with all manner of brutal oppression of our fellow man. probably not a lot of "liquidation" orders hanging around and I think our ancesters were probably a little more forthright in expressing their displeasure...... can you just imagine a comparable document from Lexington in 1775?

      Samuel Hardy has been found guilty of "anti-American thought". One does not hear a lot about some of this dirt... it is there, but one has to dig a bit. i remember my early texts spoke more along the lines of "Tar & Feathering" and Riding them out of town on a rail sort of activity :(

    2. Jan, beautiful badge and nice to hear about someone getting a bargain! I think that's still possible and it is what keeps me searching!

      Gerd, I've been staring at Igor's SMERSH Group for a long time..... big money, but man... what a spectacular group!

      Rusty, I agree.... quality costs and unfortunately for me I have always been one of those 1 really good piece as opposed to a dozen in so-so condition. Groups are a whole other issue though... if it's there, and it's complete... well, that's another story in my eyes!

      Ed, I like the steeped in history thing as well........ but I still try to defer to quality, usually equally balanced with rarity/obscurity...... One rar, beat to heck by the owner item will always get my attention!!

      Thanks guys, I'm enjoying the discussion!

    3. I agree that the grouping is odd. I will be very curious when I get the 2 double cases to see how the pieces actually fit. I also agree that the style/materials of the cases as can be seen in the photos are pre-1900 easily. A quick check with Glen J and there was no officer listed with this name. (I might have mis-spelled when I sent to Glen, dropping the "t" in Bernhardt. I can see the Jubilee and the 1864, but very curious that he doubled them up in the cases.... the old "I don't want anyone to miss the other side" theory? A first for me. I have handled many, many custom cases, cased groups, etc. in both German and Austrian over the years and this one really "spoke" to me. We shall see!

    4. I find these "State Security Badges" fascinating. The intricacy of construction and the enamel work is right up there with what I know and love in Imperial german quality. This is a real minefield and I am trying very hard to learn as much as I can and really appreciate all your help and patience with my (seemingly) endless questions!

      I'd buy the one Igor has, but the damages to his put me off. I don't mind the price and trust him to know his stuff pretty cold. My thing is if I'm going to own one of these, I want the condition to be the absolute best I can find.

      Like I said, the guy in the photo looks a little too happy to be NKVD ;>)

      The badge is tougher for me to gauge as there's so little available to me to reference it against. Thanks much guys! Run away, I shall!

    5. This fellow has offered me this badge and I am interested, but have no clue on the reality of the piece. Is this a legit Mongolian Badge for anti partisan. The book while very intriguing, doesn't seem to really conform to what I would expect for an award document per se. Any and all opinions are welcome and the guidance greatly appreciated.


      Thanks much guys!

    6. Good points raised here... The infoirmation I'm seeing gathered is a boon to all and I for one appreciate everything I have learned thus far in this entirely new area for me! Thanks!!

      Rusty, please consider not only building the database here for all, but also like Ed stated, remember to retain your rights over both text and images.

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