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    Posts posted by Stogieman

    1. Hi Claudio, I think there's so many different pieces that are so very rare that we should point them out and we should give collectors (both old and new) something to search for, something to aspire to own and good support and information about any chosen genre..... Everything is up, prices fluctuate and are cyclical. I would not do anything to discourage anyone from entering into collecting Imperial Militaria. The open and free exchange of information should be a major part of collecting. If we don't do it, who will?

      Odd little "wizards" hiding in small chambers secretly whispering to each other so no-one else can hear??

      I cannot see where that does any collector, of anything Imperial, any good..... If you don't explain what is rare, why it's rare and other details, what else would we do?

    2. Sound advice. The only sure-fire investment is Real Estate anyway. They're not making any more! Undervalued?? I wish I had half of what has floated through my hands over the years..... I cannot think of anything that isn't at least 30% higher in "value"....

      I tell everyone who asks me to buy what they like. if it increases in value? Super, icing on the cake. If it doesn't, so what? you have what you like!

    3. ...... that's odd, the only investment I ever made has been to buy land on the EASTERN side of the San Andreas fault..... as soon as California sloughs off into the ocean, I'll be sitting on 2300 miles of PRIME beachfront real estate...... after I sell it all, I'm going to invest it in "Used Chewing Gum of The Rich & Famous"....... I will die a wealthy man...........

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