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    Posts posted by Stogieman

    1. As an aside, here yet again is one of those most fun pieces that RR's ability to pour through the rank/honor lists put a name on this bar. The Combination of WW1 awards would only have been possible to exactly 2 people. The second was a major fighting in Poland as a Pioneer...... logical process of elimination would have had him with an EK2, not KVK2wX, tah-dah! General! beer.gif

      As a second aside, despite the best tutoring available, I still cannot "read" these lists, symbols and cryptic notes as my Twin does. He is a wizard, probably with a pact to some evil spirit that has given him the gift he has catjava.gif

    2. Hi Joe, that is one of the sweetest examples I have seen in a very long time, of a very hard to find award. I would have liked to post the big pix, but I think there would have been much wailing and gnashing of teeth waiting for the pix to appear!

      A great cross and an excellent approach to a collection. Just try and get a really good example of all the EK2/EK1 equivalents...... not such an easy task! My compliments!

    3. Hi Jacques, as always, a magnificent selection and some superb crosses peeking out! Nice!

      I would agree with Marcus' opinion on the slipcase. Midwar experiment perhaps, but I think even given the lesser quality, they were still superior materials, weight of the cardboard and the inner fitted tray.... much better than what I would deem a "late-war" example.

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