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    Posts posted by joetauchretter

    1. Hello All ,

      I hope you all had a Happy Holidays !

      As my main focus on German WWII collecting is the Dr?ger Tauchretter I went against my better judgment and purchased this item from ebay ! What really set my hair on fire , besides that it looks like many post war NVA badges is the fact that I saw this for sale on ebay twice ! I get very nervous when I see the EXACT same item sold time after time on ebay . Here are some pictures of it for you to see .

      Best Regards ,


    2. Hello all ,

      While looking through my collection of u-boat and KM related books I found these pictures of the taucher sleeve patches . Pictures are from the original book " SeeFahrt- Taschenkalender 1943 . Notice that the fist two sleeve patches do have a thicker neck area and the u-boot taucher patch does have that " skinny throat " look to it . This book shows many KM patches and what rank they are , but not the maker of the patches .

      Best Regards ,


    3. Hello ,

      I have always liked this woven badge , but I do understand that many people do think they are all fakes . I am NOT stating that these are all 100 % originals but I do feel good with several that I have seen . I received one of these in circa 1975 when I purchased a Dr?ger tauchretter and other KM items in a large package deal . I Like this badge due to it looks well made and has nice proportions to the sub , eagle and the all important swaz. In several collectors books I have seen several cloth badges that are accepted as original and I do not like them ! (IMHO ) as I feel the eagle looks very sick and near death ! the sub is poorly designed and that SWAZ !!!!!! IF Adolf say this badge he would go into a rage at his national emblem so poorly executed that he would have the maker of that cloth badge executed !! .

      The one in my collection passes the burn test and UV light test . As I cannot say for 100 % certain this IS real beyond doubt I use mine as a decoration back drop display for my Tachretter collection . Like I said I like it , but I think that this woven badge will always have that shroud of doubt surrounding it .

      Best Regards ,


    4. Hello Eduardo and all ,

      Thank you for that very nice picture of the diver patch being worn on the sailors sleeve ! This is the reason for my posting the question about that old ebay auction sleeve patch ! Notice that ebay patch how poorly defined the detailing to the helmet and most important which caught my eye is what I call the " Thin throat or neck " , see where the round helmet meets the shoulder collar how narrow or thin it is in this area . I feel the helmet is way out of proportion .

      Now look at the second picture I have posted and your picture of the sleeve patch being worn , BOTH are better detailed , proportioned AND wider in the neck area like one would see on a real diving helmet ! Coulds both pictures happen to be made by the same maker and the one that was sold on ebay made by someone else ? I think a lot of people would like to say this is nothing more than just a makers variation but I have seen this EXACT shaped badge at militaria shows and some did say that they were NVA / East German Navy !! Why would somebody in todays world where everything is TR / KM , u-boote or SS related no matter what it is say it is NVA which

      sells for dirt cheap when they could have sold it for 100 times more as a " 100% original TR period piece ! " ?

      Best Regards ,


    5. Hello ,

      I saw this u-boat diver sleeve patch some several months back on ebay for sale and thought that this picture looked interesting so I copied the picture but never placed a bid for it . In my opinion it looks to new and may be a repro or I was told that the NVA , East German Navy has a diver patch very similar to the KM version . I do not like items that are over 65 years old still look brand new and the metal seal with string seems odd , like putting a paper RZM tag on a repro collar patch to make it look more authentic . What is your opinions on this patch ?

      Best Regards ,


    6. Hello ,

      Very nice microphone ! I have seen many of these , but the metal storeage box WOW that is very rare and a first time for me !

      The microphone and gasmask was the same as for the Army , Navy , Luftwaffe or even civilian use ( chemical manufacturers used these as well as researchers using dangerous chemicals and gases used this as well ) The only way to tell if this was used by the navy would be if it has the KM acceptance stamps on it . The Navy did seem to use this item more than the other branches of the service . Watch out for a mask that has RL stamps on it as that was for civilian resale ! Since Military and civilians did use the GM30 gas mask ( with different gas filters ) the mask was the same and many sellers try and pass off the civilian SM mask as a military GM30 mask . The RL stamps are found most of the time on the inside of the mask behind the leather face seal .

      Very nice box ! I would like to see more clearer pictures from all sides if possible !

      Best Regards ,


    7. Hello ,

      Very nice pictures of life boats and the one man life boat carrying bag !

      Here I have 2 pictures of the pre ware and very early war u-boat lifeboat float made by Marks . This was a large square rubber canvas float that was held in a round container with a lid that could be remotely opended from inside the u-boat in case of the need to abandon ship in a hurry . This container was to the port side of the ship near the deck gun , many books show this round lid as being used for the ready ammo locker . This is incorrect as you can see in the second picture u-boat crewmen loading the raft back into it's round container .

      Best Regards,


    8. Hello ,

      WOW , What a find , 53 steel boxes for the head wound gas mask !

      This steel box held a rubbr/fabric hood with an oval celluiod disc so the wearer could see out from . This gas mask hood was to be worn only by men with head wounds during a gas attack . As gas warfare against ships was unheard of during WWII nor ver practical this would not be found on U-boats ! This item must been intended for ground KM forces such as Flak units or other ground fighting units that may come under gas / chemical warfare attack . A standard GM41 or 42 gasmask filter would be screwed into the threaded socket on the front of this gas hood .

      If you would be interested in selling the box or the gas hood as I collect both Dr?ger tauchretter and German WWII gas warfare items .

      Best Regards,


    9. Hello ,

      I would like to see better close-up pictures or better yet see the decals in my hand to be 100% certain . With just these pictures to go on I feel the decals are post war to make this helmet more " collectable " , just add a swastika and the price goes way up ! I doubt that a helmet like this would have double fire police decals applied to it during the TR period . I think this helmet was very old at the time These fire police decals came into use and I cannot see this helmet having much use at this time as they had a better steel fire helmet . I cannot believe this would be a late war Volksstrum helmet also due to its age and the fact that helmet decals were no longer applied to helmets . There are many good repro decals on the market today and I saw one company that sells " pre aged " helmet decals ! You can apply these decals and at once they look 65 years old ! Just my opinion .

      Best Regards,


    10. OK, lack of caffeine... I see your note about replaced parts.... but the block that mounts everything is still a problem for me.

      Hello ,

      I too have some doubts about this badge , in my opinion this is a cast copy . Besides the crude pin repair job my main problem with this badge is the poor details to the eagle and swaz . I my humble opinion any TR badge with poor details and bad pin repairs should be passed over unless the price is a steal and you want to take a chance on it .

      Best Regards,


    11. Hi,

      here is combined all that, what a real Third Reich collector want to have in his collection, skull, swastika and SS runes.

      Therefore it must be good :speechless1: .



      Hello ,

      The sad part about this is that someone with money to throw away will buy this and tell everyone what a rare " original " item that they own :speechless:

      Just look at ebay how many u-boat compass and pocket watch made with the same parts sell for :rolleyes:

      I just love the compass with a profile of a seehund and a u-boat number that was sunk in 1941 ! :speechless1:

      Just goes to show you that if you put a swaz. and other nazi emblems on something and connect to the SS or U-Boats and you will have a " collector " willing to empty out his wallet on such nonesense :rolleyes:

      Best Regards,


    12. What is it supposed to be?


      Hello ,

      In my opinion this is nothing more than plain junk ! It looks to be made from the same outer shell that all of those " original hand held u-boat compass" from u-1 to u-99999 ;-) This looks to have been made last week in Latvia or some other Eastern European country . In my opinion that 65 years of " real , honest age " looks more like good aging through chemicals . In my opinion . I would avoid this item .

      Best Regards,


    13. Hello ,

      This gas mask is called an optical gas mask . These were issued to all branches of the German military not just the KM .

      This mask is made from leather and has glass eyepieces held in place by metal inserts . The metal rod along the top of the eyepieces moves them to change the interpupillary distance between them . You can change this distance on standard gas masks like the GM 30 or GM 38 . The rubber hose was worn over the shoulder and standard filter canisters can be used as well as the Co2 filter ( as shown in this picture ) . If there are no KM ink stamps this could have been used by anyone . I have been looking for this gas mask for a long time , if it is for sale let me know as I already own the empty steel carrier box !

      Best Regards,


    14. Hello John,

      Thank you for your update on this flair gun . I saw those shiney bores and had my doubts , but as I was not 100% certain I did not point that at to you . What really strikes me as very odd is the eagle with the M stamped next to the 44 . Look at the stamped 44 , see how dark and aged toned it is and looks original to this gun . That stamp looks like it should be 65 years old , it is age correct ! The stamp next to it , the eagle with the M looks like it was stamped just last week ! it looks too new and bright and it is not aged toned as stamped wood should show after all these years . Look at the two side by side , the two look like night and day , IMHO they were not stamped at the same time or even in the same decade ! That Eagle with the M should be as dark as the 44 stamping . Another reason why I am suspicious of this stamp is that I saw the SAME , EXACT stamp sell on Ebay several years ago and it sold for approx. $585.00 ! No one buys a metal stamp for that kind of money and just puts it on a shelf ! I have seen many other " original " metal proof stamps sold on Ebay over the years , so one must be on the look out for stamps that look too new and out of place on the item they wish to buy .

      Best Regards,


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