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    Posts posted by Alexandre

    1. Hello gentlemen,

      Im trying to identificate/confirm the awards of GdI Paul V?lckers.

      In Big Red circle Is a Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz I. Klasse ?

      in the ribbon bar, the secod ribbon in red circle looks like a Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz II. Klasse "vor dem feinde" , anyone can confirm this ?

      (Picture from ABR site)

      Thx a lot

    2. Hello Gentlemen,

      Im looking for decorations of this GdI.

      Born 17.05.1870

      Died 26.09.1958

      Erich von Tschischwitz was a general staff trained Prussian infantry officer who by the outbreak of the war was commanding a battalion in Infantry Regiment Nr. 157. He served on various senior staff positions throughout the war including:

      Chief of Staff XXIII Reserve Corps: 27 Oct 1914 - 20 Sep 1917

      Chief of Staff 2nd Army: 27 Feb 1918 - 10 Aug 1918

      Commander 172nd Infantry Brigade: 1 Sep 1918 - 26 Feb 1919

      Following the war he remained in the newly formed Reichsheer becoming the Inspector of motorised troops from 1 Oct 1919 - 1 Feb 1923 and then commander of Wehrkreis II/2. Division until finally appointed as commander of Group 1 on 1 Feb 1927 until 1 April 1929.


      Sekondelieutenant: 22.03.89

      Premierlieutenant : 01.09.96

      Hauptmann: 22.03.02

      Major: 10.09.08

      Oberstleutnant: 19.08.14

      Oberst: 18.04.1917

      Generalmajor: 01.04.1921

      Generalleutnant: 01.02.1923

      General der Infanterie: 01.11.1927

      Thx a lot in advance


    3. Hello Guys,

      In ABR site and AHF site ,in the thread of most decorated soldiers, the GFM Kesselring received the Grand Cross of Italian Order of Crown.

      But no more Italian decorations are mentioned. However I found this picture in www.epier.com. He seems a ribbon of the Grand-Cross of the Order of Saint Mauritius and Lazarus. Can anybody confirm if he received this decoration also?

      Thx in advance,


    4. Hello Gentlemen,

      This picture below show the ribbons bar of Generaloberstabsarzt of Luftwaffe Prof. Dr. Med. Erich Hippke.

      Im trying to identificate some ribbons, can anyone help me ?

      Picture from AHF site

      Thx in advance

      1st ribbon :

      EK2 1914


      Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer

      Dienstauszeichnungen der Wehrmacht I Klass

      Dienstauszeichnungen der Wehrmacht III Klass

      Luftschutz Medal

      Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 M?rz 1938,

      Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Oktober 1938 mit Spange ?Prager Burg?,

      Memel Medaille


      2nd ribbon :

      Commemorative medal for WW1 Hungary










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