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    Everything posted by Markgraf

    1. The eagle seems Prussian/German to me. Anybody knows what is it exactly?
    2. I've got it! Landwehr economical officer (Truppenrechnungsführer-Offizier) They had same double-breasted dark green waffenrock with light blue piping and collar as the k.u.k Armee but with silver numbered buttons! And the economical officers had normal rank stars not rosettes. The 2 means the 2nd Landwehr Regiment Linz.
    3. Mysterious....seems captain, but his Militärdienstzeichen is the enlisted version (2. class for 12 years). Probably official of the k.k. Gendarmerie?
    4. Seaman with Militär-Jubiläumskreuz and deck service patch.
    5. CarolI: I'm not sure but IMHO more likely professional than conscripted
    6. Feldwebel with Jubiläumserinnerungsmedaille, equally can be Honvéd or KuK Infantry Regiment.
    7. An older piece, I think a 15 cm M99/4 schwere Haubitz (from fortepan.hu):
    8. Let me introduce to you Feldwebel Merényi (Maczéjka) Ferenc of the k.u.k. 69 (Freiherr v. Leitner, later Hindenburg) IR. His short service record (from the regimental history): - 1911/13 conscripted service in the 69. IR - 1914.07.28-1917.11.01 draft agency Székesfehérvár - 1917.11.01-1918.03.14 Pilsen 69. IR replacement batallion, Italian theatre in Rizzolo, 6th army as the teacher of the paymaster school. 434th POW group St.Antonio, Trischina and Tovenába. - 1918.11.18 back to Székesfehérvár and became professional NCO Served in the 3rd infantry regiment until 1922 then joined to the Hungarian Railways. As recruit in 1911: Like Feldwebel after the war (according the contemporary military slang: hero father or old holiness )
    9. Thank you, I didn't bargain for that
    10. As far as I know it's a WWI Russian belt buckle. I would be happy for any information about the unit!
    11. He wears his old KuK tunic, the left-side shoulder cord means mounted branch. A nice picture from the early interwar period!
    12. The full system of the qualification badges: http://www.austro-hungarian-army.co.uk/badges/qualbadges.htm A better photo of the Minenwerferabzeichen:
    13. The two Hungarians: Szakaszvezető (Zugsführer) after 1939 with two commemorative medals, presumably the Upper Hungary and Transsylvania. Őrmester (Feldwebel) between 1926 and 1939 with 3. class Service Sign for enlisted.
    14. Three with qualification badges: Zugsführer with Minenwerferabzeichen (mortar badge) on the collar, the right side badge is Richtauszeichnung für die Artillerie (Marksmanship Badge for first gunners), his medals are: Silberne Tapferkeitsmedaille 2. Klasse, Bronzene Tapferkeitsmedaille with two bands, Karl Truppenkreutz, and Militärdienstzeichen für Mannscaft presumably 3. class. Gefreiter, the right side badge is Sappeur- und Pionierauszeichnung (Skillful engineer badge), his cross is Eisernes Verdienstkreuz. Zugsführer with Krankenpflegerauszeichnung (Skillful medic badge), medals are: Bronzene Tapferkeitsmedaille, Karl Truppenkreutz, and Militär-Jubiläumskreuz 1908
    15. Wow! Very impressive collection! First of all, an exception: the first post second row first picture is a Hungarian Army szakaszvezető (Zugsführer) after 1939 with two commemorative medals, presumably the Upper Hungary and Transsylvania.
    16. The death of the cossack in Máramaros. Edition of the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Defence War Aid Office.
    17. The first is Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse mit Kriegsdekoration. Otherwise he is a captain of a mounted unit.
    18. You can order these older volumes (elfogyott means out of stock) http://www.hkhermanos.hu/foly%C3%B3iratok You can find the editor's adress here: http://www.hkhermanos.hu/megrendel%C3%A9s I asked him the shipping to abroad is possible.
    19. Nope. The main profile of the "Katonaújság" is the Horthy-era and the WWI. It is a pretty good magazine, but sadly now is close to the breakdown I wrote my first "official" article to this magazine in 2011...
    20. According the book of "Rolf M. Urrisk: Die Uniformen des österreichischen Bundesheeres 1918 - 1938" after the Volkswehr word shoud be stand the place-name on the armband. The right side badge (worn together with the armband). http://www.erdemrendek-kituntetesek.hu/tartalom/teljes%C3%ADtm%C3%A9ny-jelv%C3%A9ny
    21. Wow...one side shoulder cord, visorless field cap with Jagdhorn. Reitende Landschutz?
    22. Both were common for non-combat position NCOs (paymaster, clerk, train etc.) I will show you a named portrait of a paymaster sergeant of the 69. IR with Silver Verdienstkreuz mit Krone. The gold version was available for officers only.
    23. It seems that chairs had function during the loading process...otherwise I think used them on march.
    24. Nearly 10 years ago... Museum of the Slovak National Uprising at Besztercebánya (Banská Bystrica)
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