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    Old Contemptible
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    Posts posted by Spasm

    1. At last, I've discovered how to make paint craze so that it looks old. Tried all sorts of methods then found out you can buy it over the counter at art shops.

      A reproduction that I've painted as a Luft winter camo

    2. Rooting around on t'tinternet:

      Thayendanegea or Joseph Brant (March 1743 – 24 November 1807) was a Mohawk military and political leader, based in present-day New York, who was closely associated with Great Britain during and after the American Revolution........He was one of 182 Native American warriors awarded a silver medal from the British for his service.

      Could this be one of those?

    3. I agree that paper is better. I have quite a few stored books and pamphlets gained off of t'tinternet but always forget that I have them or where exactly they are in the files I have on my machine. Those that I refer to, such as Muster Rolls for the Napoleonic British Army, Medal Numbering for the SADF and Foreign Legion, and the like I have printed off and keep on the shelf.

      Brian's German Helmet lot numbers is produced in paper format just like a telephone book (as Chris' suggestion) and is mostly list upon list of numbers but can be leafed through to find something.

      An electronic version of tables/lists would, I agree, be too cumbersome and difficult for those without my vast computer coding/programming knowledge.

    4. Andy

      I assume you have this electronically rather than written out longhand in pencil on 2650 pages. Will it not fit onto a or some CD/DVDs which, I assume, relatively speaking, would be easy. The DVDs are cheap and easy to copy which you could sell, from the sounds of it, to many of those who are interested.

      I believe the discs can be protected from further copying by self destructing and destroying the machinery it is in if tampered with. You can tell that I am a computer whizz kid by my staggering knowledge demonstrated here :lol:

    5. Just so many things I'd like to try. This, and other great work on the forum, really inspires me to get into all sorts.

      A great model, great scratch built bits (the seatbelts on a 1/72 scale!!!!!!) and great paint. Well done Rogi. Looking forward to the other pictures.

      PS - airbrushing aluminium myself today onto a guitar, it's not the greatest of paints to use that's for sure.

    6. I can't understand the titles but I assume a training/information film. Very cool indeedy.

      I like the troopie who collects the thrown training grenades and then has to stand to attention next to a target each time he picks one up. Looks like someone is keeping score, gets a bit confused when more than one is thrown though. Could almost be Mr Chaplin.

      Is this the Stormtrooper training? Dated 08/15?

    7. I absolutely love the self made ones. It's one thing to paint a bought model really well but quite another to build your own model and then to paint it. The possibilities are just mind blowing.

      What would I build if I could do this? What would you build if you could do this?

      Part of a square at Waterloo? The last standing of the 300 at the Hot Gates? PFC Martin who said "I'm 82nd Airborne and this is as far as the bastards are going"? SS Fallschirmjager 500 defending Berlin?

    8. Paul

      Yep, helmet numbers are in Brian's book.

      Listed as M42 NS64 D291 SD LUFT 43ZSH SM

      He's obviously seen it - or one from the same batch - and considering that he has more helmets than the Leibstandarte Panzer Division had (and all SS ones too) it's probably a good one.

      Nice Stahlhelm, I like them a lot but don't actually have any other than this little LUFT - single decal, mint leather liner complete with original drawstring and chinstrap :P

    9. Uwe


      Mr Louis Becker


      This I fill the sad duty to make you notice of the heroic death of her son Henry.

      In the heavy fighting at the 17.9.18 at Lancy he has must sacrifice his life his fatherland as a result of artillery Volt reefer.

      Unfortunately, it was despite repeated efforts unable to recover his body because the battlefield for tactical reasons had to be left to the enemies.

      The company sincerely mourned the loss of this brave soldier and good comrades, and will always keep his memory in honour.

      The Lord may you in your suffering assist.



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