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    Posts posted by bolewts58

    1. 16 hours ago, Militarycross said:

      Thank you, bolewts58. That's very helpful. One would assume that someone all those decades ago chose to use this ribbon because they couldn't source the proper one. 

      I think it's more likely that this ribbon has been added relatively recently. It would not have been at all difficult to source a proper, original ribbon even as recently as the 1970s from a military supply store or tailor. One should remember that the Baltic Cross was available for purchase by Freikorps veterans well into the 1970s.


      Even now, there's a large roll of original ribbon for sale on eBay Germany.

    2. 9 hours ago, Deutschritter said:

      1) EK II

      2) Ehrenkreuz für Frontkäampfer

      3) Kriegserinnerungsmedaille (Österreich) mit Schwertern

      4) Flandernkreuz

      5) ?

      6) Baltenkreuz

      7) ?

      8 ) Deutschritter-Kreuz, 2nd class with swords, although he had the grand cross with star

      9) ?

      10) ?

      11) ?




      5) some sort of Kaiser Wilhelm / Kaiser Franz Josef commemorative medal. There were several unofficial versions throughout the war.

      7/ I'm pretty sure this is the Russian order of St. Anne 3rd class.

      8)Actually the Diebitsch Cross 2nd class from Freikorps Diebitsch (an officer of Detachment von Randow would not wear the Deutschritter-Kreuz, 2nd class. It was for NCOs and enlisted men. Also, it never had swords.)

      9) Hungarian War Commemorative Medal

      10) Bulgarian War Commemorative Medal

      11) Russian St. George Medal of the Russian West Army


      The last 2 sword devices on the ribbon bar are just extra "bling" and shouldn't be there.

      It's unusual that someone who started the war as a Hauptmann, finished the war, still as a Hauptmann only got an EK I and II and no state awards, not even a war merit cross or two. He was just a staff officer during the war and didn't see much combat. But, he was wounded and got a wound badge. So, one would think that he would have gotten some more awards. He was entitled to the Prussian 15 year service cross and may have even been eligible for the 25 year Officer's service cross having finished the war with 23 years service and serving another 2 in the Freikorps. Also, the Kriegserinnerungsmedaille (Österreich) mit Schwertern is in the wrong place. It should have been mounted just before the Hungarian medal. The St. George Medal should have been mounted after the Diebitsch Cross. Overall, it's quite a bizarre, mish-mash of a medal bar with some extraneous stuff thrown on it. I'm surprised he doesn't have the unofficial Ostfront Cross given he served on the Eastern front in WWI. Clearly, the tailor who put this bar together didn't totally understand the precedent regulations.

      Officially, he was only entitled to wear an EKII, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkäampfer, Baltic Cross, Kriegserinnerungsmedaille (Österreich) mit Schwertern, Hungarian War Commemorative Medal and Bulgarian War Commemorative Medal.

    3. On 05/06/2008 at 19:32, webr55 said:

      As I understand it, there was no 1st or 2nd class. It was a pinback award - and wearing it on the medal bar was completely unofficial. The ribbon was however worn on the RIBBON bar.

      True, only 1 class. But, it was more of an either/or rather than the ribbon bar version being "unofficial" because the award document actually mentions the ribbon color and the medal being suspended from it and basically gives it as an alternative option to wear.

    4. It is the White Russian Order of St. Anne with Swords 1st class given to him by Count Bermondt-Avalov for his Freikorp's breakthrough and relief of the Eiserne Division/West Russian Volunteer Army (Russische Westarmee) which was surrounded by Latvian troops in November 1919 during the Baltic Campaign. Sturmabteilung Rossbach force marched 1200 miles from Berlin to Thorensburg, Latvia to save the Eiserne Division/West Russian Volunteer Army from certain destruction.

    5. Alex


      Very nicely done. The Thais would certainly like those.

      Rama VI was more British than the British. I believe he went to Eton and some of his brothers went to Harrow. His orders and decorations along with those of Rama V and Rama IV are on display at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. They also had a whole rack of Imperial German and Russian Orders. The showcases fill a room.

    6. 5 hours ago, The Prussian said:


      That's very interesting! I don't know anything about uniforms or military in general in that area.

      It was very helpful! Thanks a lot!

      I'm sorry to have gone a little off topic. But, here are a couple of photos just to show what I mean about the British influence on Thai uniforms. 1st Royal Thai Guard Regt. and 1st Royal Thai Cavalry Regt.




      A 1915 photo of King Rama VI (Vajiravudh) looking every bit the British Field Marshal with Queen Suvadhana. (As an aside, I worked for his daughter, Princess Benjaratana from 2005-2006 and received her 80th Birthday Commemorative Badge for service - strictly a case of being in the right placed at the right time. ;-D)




      Prince Chakrabongse, one of the sons of King Rama V (Chulalongkorn) and brother to King Rama VI (Vajiravudh) in the uniform of a Russian Hussar in 1906. He was an ADC and Imperial page to Tsar Nicholas II. He married a member of the Russian nobility. An oddball bit of info is that his great grandson is a rapper in New York signed to JayZ's record label.


    7. 1 hour ago, The Prussian said:


      Thanks a lot for your explanation!

      That really makes sense! Do you know any books about Chinese ( or asian in general) uniforms during that era (if possible in english language)?

      I'm sorry I don't know off hand any books as it's really not an area of interest to me. I do know just from living here for the last 25 years that for the most part, the Siamese/Thais adopted British military uniforms in the 1890s as King Rama V (Chulalongkorn) became an avid Anglophile after his visit in 1897. He sent his sons to Eton, had his wives adopt British dress and hairstyles and introduced British school uniforms (still worn today). The dress uniforms still worn by the Thai military today are a direct influence from Britain. The Thai Royal Guard Regiments mirror very closely those of Great Britain. Except, because of the climate, the busby was replaced by a pith helmet with domed plume covering that mimics the British bearskin. The Thai Royal Household Cavalry dress very similarly to the British Household Cavalry with very similar style uniforms and plumed helmets (but no cuirass because of the heat).


      I think the same is true of countries that are former British colonies. The Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Malaysian and Burmese (Myanmar) retained British style uniforms after independence. I encountered an Indian Sgt-Major on a trip to Kashmir in 1996 who was a very "pukka" British-style NCO complete with handlebar mustache, swagger stick, British style beret and overall demeanor. He would have been quite at home on any parade ground in the UK.

      6 minutes ago, bolewts58 said:



    8. 11 hours ago, dedehansen said:



      I believe it is a prince from Siam.


      Kind regards



      Not one of the Princes of Siam. That's not the Siamese Royal crest on the helmet. It the Imperial Chinese double-dragon insignia. My guess would be a member of the Chinese Imperial family attached to a Garde Cuirassier Regt. for training. Pre-1900 before all the trouble started in China. Perhaps he is one of Emperor Daoguang's 7 sons, born during the last quarter of the 19th century. The Chinese had a very large extended royal family with lots of minor princes.

    9. On 05/07/2021 at 18:35, BlackcowboyBS said:

      well the word "allezeit" seems wrong to me, I am not 100 % sure, if the spelling has changed in the last 100 years but todays correct spelling would be "allzeit" So I would also say, this is pure fantasy and a modern piece. 

      Yes, technically you're correct. You see contemporary regimental and veteran crosses with the contraction of "Alle Zeit" to Allzeit" Bereit (Alway Ready or Ready All the Time). "Alle Zeit" as two words is grammatically correct, but as one word, as written on this cross, not correct. The "e" in Alle should be dropped. If two words, "Zeit" being a noun should always have a capital "Z" at the beginning.


      Grammar and spelling are often what trip up fakers.

    10. I don't care if it's cast or not. I don't want to be rude. But, you're typical of collectors who make a mistake, won't admit it and turn themselves inside trying to prove they're right, while denying the facts. Please accept the truth. THIS CROSS NEVER EXISTED UNTIL A FEW YEARS AGO. It is an invention and nothing more.

      The resident expert/collector of Weimar era veteran awards, especially obscure awards, Eric Stahlhut has to my knowledge never shown this cross. I would think, if it was genuine, he would have long ago acquired one for his collection and shown it here. I'd be interested in his opinion on this.

    11. I've been collecting for 60+ years and never saw this cross until during the last few years. I've never seen it in any reference books or archives. There simply is no documentation of which I'm aware of this cross. Also, it is absolutely not Freikorps.


      While there are some very minor differences between your cross and the ones that Porre81 sells all the time and yours appears to be of slightly better quality, I am 100% sure they both come from the same source. I am also 100% sure that it's a made up award that never actually existed contemporary to the 1920s and onward. It's unfortunate it's not a legitimate award because it is rather attractive.

    12. Thank you for your help.


      Fortunately, someone on WAF filled in the blanks for me. Here's the info for anyone who's curious.



      Oberjäger Stier gehörte seit dem 9.12.18 dem
      untenstehendem Truppenteil an und wurde am
      31.3.20 in Ehren aus dem Reichswehrdienst
      […] entlassen.
      [= Bezirkskommando] Stockach / Ba. [= Baden]
      Oberj. Stier ist berechtigt, seine Reichswehrab-
      zeichen in Zivil weiterzutragen.
      Geeignet zur Verwendung in der Reichswehr.
      Ärztlich untersucht und für gesund befunden.
      M. 50 Entlassungsgeld und M. 550,- Treueprämie.
      1 Entlassungsanzug mitbekommen.
      Infolge Heeresverminderung entlassen.




      Hauptm. u. Komp.F. [= Hauptmann und Kompanieführer]

      z.Zt. [zur Zeit] Frankfurt M [= Frankfurt am Main]


      Oberjäger Stier had been a member of the unit mentioned below since 9/12/18 and was honorably discharged from Reichswehr service to [...] on 31/3/20.
      District Command Stockach / Baden
      Oberj. Stier is authorized to continue wearing his Reichswehr badges with civilian dress.
      Suitable for service in the Reichswehr.
      Medically examined and found to be healthy.
      50 Marks discharge payment and 550 Marks faithful service bonus.
      Issued 1 discharge uniform.
      Discharged due to downsizing of the army.

      Sworn in:



      Hauptmann and acting company commander

      presently at Frankfurt am Main/Bonames"]


      I have his military pass and here is the summary of his service.




      Unteroffizier Alfred Stier served mainly on the Western front all of 1917-1918. Although for a time in late 1917 he was on the Eastern front as it says in his battle list that he was there when the truce and armistice was declared as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution, I presume. He was wounded or at least ill at some point in early 1918 as he was in hospital in April and May 1918 and got the EKII on April 30, 1918. He was back on the Western Front until Nov 11, 1918 finishing up in the 2. Garde Regt. He then immediately continued with the Garde Regt. with the rank of Oberjäger, when it became 1. Garde-Landesschützen-Abteilung, Detachement von Neufville on Dec. 9, 1918. He was with Detachment von Neufville right through to May 31, 1920, by which time it was part of Reichswehr-Brigade 25. So, he would have been involved in all the Freikorps von Neufville actions right from the beginning (the the battle with and suppression of the workers 'and soldiers' council in Frankfurt am Main in 1919 and support for the Ehrhardt-Brigade during the Kapp Putsch in Berlin in April 1920 etc.) As the page that I attached says, he was discharged because of downsizing of the army. Given his long service, he would have been entitled to the Freikorps von Neufville Treukreuz, either on ribbon or the pinback cross.

      The Freikorps connection, particularly with Detachment von Neufville and his long service in that Freikorps is what makes this pass. Otherwise, it's fairly standard.



      Stier 12_13sm.jpg

    13. I know. You've already shown it before. That's one of the 4 regular companies in Freikorps Oberland. But, that's not Sturmbataillon Teja, which was a special assault unit within Freikorps Oberland. Unless you have something that specifically says your grandfather was in the assault batallion, then he was just a regular Freikorps Oberland member. Did he receive Die Gedenkmünze für Oberschlesien or Der Adler des Sturmzuges? Both of these awards were for the Sturmbataillon Teja only.




    14. On 08/05/2021 at 01:48, TheMadBaron said:

      Is it possible that these are Bayernwacht members? The reverse has a Nürnberg studio mark.

      It's very possible. Bayernwacht used an armband like this and their logo was printed on it rather than having the metal oval badge with the lion often seen.


      Also, the uniform is nothing a Freikorps or Einwohnerwehr would have worn. It's very typical of paramilitary uniforms from after the Freikorps period in the later 1920s and early 30s.

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