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    Posts posted by Hoss

    1. Ones to find are papercloth labeled with a date usually 1917 indeed some are ink issue stamped I've owned one pukka W1 dated pair in the past, problem is your left dreaming of finding issue boots and trying to explain to the bank manager your spending habits, and lets not forget a pair of issue Stiefelhose or Reithose,,,its tough out there best way is to think private purchase I guess.


    2. Chris

      The naysayers are completely dispassionate knowledgeable collectors in fact I received an email from one such Gent this morning another promised to reiterate but he's busy having just arrived back from the MAX.

      I wouldn't care but when something is bad and married to German Machine Gunners,,,expect the Wrath of Khan :angry: btw the best replicas of these ersatz jobs were not made in UK but by a great friend of mine out of Pittsburgh PA decades ago never to be sold as original.



    3. Hello Gents

      Notwithstanding testimonials from a winged Pegasus expert descending from the heavens on waf the last failed ebay attempt I believe was 900 bucks. If I could afford to do so I'd buy it and cremate the blighter I was one mug who nearly bought this once, following my exorcism I still kiss the Bible before bed.

      'We do it wrong, being so majestical,

      To offer it the show of violence;

      For it is, as the air, invulnerable,

      And our vain blows malicious mockery'.


    4. This item just finished while I was watching TV, congrats to the winner they must have been laying all over the '18 battlefields farmers still dig them up but none-dug ones are scarce imo.

      They're not simply bent out of metal strip but hardened steel personally I've only ever owned dug ones they are an important little puppy for us gear collectors.

      Gents has that happened to you,,,,cleaning the car, playing with the kids..arguing with the wife etc lol! then gone "DAM MISSED IT"?


    5. Good Heavens Mervyn sorry for the side track does Oldham still exist? I'm from cotton mill stock all the families worked at 'The Mill' I'll have to go back one day and see what's left.

      As a toddler this is what I remember, bricks slate and cobble I thought the whole world was made using 'bricks' lol!

      I bet the photographer was using colour film,,,forget it everything was grey anyway "Mummy where is the Sun do we have one?"


      Oldham photo courtesy of trucknet.

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