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    Posts posted by Hoss

    1. That's where #45 came from the covers are marked Emmanuel Kahn Karlsruhe 1918 btw they also made stahlhelm covers not many people know that still alive today.(Hoss Files) :lol:

      Chris, mine is they are surplus from the '18 offensives when they issued front troops with two canteens they must have been literally thousands laying around with rotten covers same thing happened with the gas filter 'disc' many moons ago a dealer friend bought a bunch of them, unissued.

    2. Mark

      The last is an ally survey instrument by Hahn mid '20's the boxed job is artillery goertz and zeiss also made em both wars. go to compassipedia not only is their site incredible the gent who runs it is top draw to double check.

      I sent him a picture once to help out a waf (yuk!) member not only did he get back prompt he took time out to confer with a fellow collector to make sure the info was correct.

      The box kit blast! its not the same as I have a picture of I'd rather not post without permission.....oh well uumm dunno its unusual for Jerry to just stamp a box 'tools' isn't it?


      btw does your fold have that tiny spanner still there? the little blighter I've never figured out what its for,,, pictured in Dolphs book showing the tools.


    3. Another recent purchase from a Belgian collector but not complete, but again does anyone know the correct contents?


      I dont understand the question btw this kit fold is disgustingly gorgeous and my friend did you know I'd give a kidney to own it. until I joined forums I thought Mr Goldsmith held the only known example.

      #221 is a maxim 08 kit made up by Finland imo.

      On those sights us mg nutters have to be careful the vast majority are for artillery not mg, ima used to sell em, DK is like a nut collecting squirrel on those and won't sell me one of his! its one on my life's quest to find one for my 08,,,, before my 100th birthday would be nice..

      I only became aware those short cans existing a couple of years ago, your maybe right Mark it being for an 08/15 thanks for showing is there a maker stamp? Blimey Mark your collection must be approaching one of the best by now.


    4. Hello

      Our mutual friend in Belgium? has a superb collection I'm hoping he will join the forum. The Gent who purchased those stunning W1 supply wagons etc..remember?

      Darn it gents I wish I'd at least kept photos of my Imperial reg. marked surgeon kits Lord knows where they are now pre for me at least 'Forum Net Digital Converse Days' :lol: They were incredible, heavy in beautiful wooden chests, only examples came close were/are on display a the IWM London...actually they freaked me out, a friend 30yrs ago had a huge wooden closet type chest that must have been transport/ removable for field hospitals,,, amazing.

      Btw where is ED? I hope he is ok?



    5. Ha ha ! Eric don't bother - her expiration date may be already long gone ...

      ( no offense ! I'm kind of "antique" lover ;) - most of my ex girlfriends were radically older !)

      best regards


      She never married me either I've a picture in my mind of us meeting someday on a lonely beach.

      I'll talk about anything to clear me mind of Robins screaming skull 666, needed medication after looking at it.


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