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    Posts posted by Hoss

    1. To each his own

      Would you rip off the rotten rags of Nefertiti and wrap her in modern cloth just to look/say this is how it must of looked back in the day? :)

      dunno, maybe its part of the whole issue of what's ok under restoration, maybe go for something, a product that doesn't take but locks a piece in its present state if one wishes.

      Chris please leave alone if you're unhappy with the way it looks now I'd buy it, you could hold it out and blast with a ballistol product personally I wouldn't I see too much gear on the net buffed up cleaned it leaves me miffed.

      I've a camo helmet that still shreds dirt after all these years one day it will no doubt cease but the helm will still have the 'look'.


      Lol forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Very good thanks for showing Chris

      I liked looking at all the period gear not just the armies, social mechanics etc example those invalid trikes near the beginning who needs a battery driven motor wonder when they stopped making them?

      First 20 mins I'll watch the rest later...interesting.


    3. I wonder how long it'll be before people quote figures How many etc...when someone asks me which is never I say virtually everybody twice thats why it should never happen again.

      One of my relatives what would he be uumm blimey I don't know doesn't really matter to anyone but me anyway, Gran told me he went as a child and came back looking 50yrs old sick, died in roughly again '26-27 his guts were all rotten from the filth and chemical junk, a merciful release my Gran said when he finally went.

      Nobody talks of the civil human suffering either virtually all the female side of our family had health problems their whole lives from working in munition plants with no safety both wars one was 14yrs old at the time first war.

      When a lad came back from the Falklands war there was a street party in my home town so I went along (the club didn't open for another hour! lol!) I talked to the lad for a few mins he'd never heard of the blooming Falkland Isles before!

      If there was a W1-2 type world war today I doubt the youth would go, seriously its all so tragic and pathetic afterwards knuckleheads look at a world map say "this is yours now this is ours" its stupid.

      Turned 60yrs last november one of the things I've learnt true grunt vets don't want to talk about it unless they're friends. One old W1 boy said to me in the club once "Honor hell where's the honor in seeing your chum with half his body blown away the next second from a shell fired a mile away!" his old chum sitting there "Don't listen to Pat, they couldn't fire that far...ours bloody didn't anyroad" true story..


    4. Salad! rich bugger I'm living on oven drippings the rabbits outside my apartment are tasty but have to wait when nobody is about, cats & dogs clear off at first sight the word must have got out!

      I haven't been this hungry since me racing days when I frequented the sally army for soup in the car at speed me vision used to go blurry I wasn't called the rolling bones for nothing..."congrats Eric here's ya Trophy" "Keep the silver pot give me money what I'm going to do with that ?"..........sorry you were saying Ed ?


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