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    Posts posted by Hoss

    1. Eric,

      You're right, that's not a Salzbeutel, but still very cool and another thing to add to my needs list. Damn!

      Is that scarf wool or cotton? I have a Halstuch marked to IR92, so I think that pouch needs to come my way. :sleep:



      Cotton and jute, stamps are faded but its dated 1916 I had a wonderful grunt transitional 92 tunic with board covers that went to a dealer with my collection six months later saw he still had it, so I grabbed it back along with a pr of 07 pants. Home I realised with horror owed 6k so sent them back its called my 'confused period' or collector menopause. :blush:


      ps I'll swap the pouch for your mg drag strap :unsure: uumm and throw in my mum's recipe for Yorkshire pudding :wacky:

    2. Hello Gents

      My mum used to say just scream help when your stood on a cliff edge fed up.....some old boy may walk along and say "Nice day for it"!

      This cap I was hoping to put with me M15 Prussian NCO Infantry bluse but the band and piping are a lot darker, doesn't match.. the mutz is made from a superior cut of wool to me what branch of service do you think it belongs... still Infantry?

      Took a pic outside maybe be better for judgment the others a quick pic of me minty puppies.

      Thanks Gents


      ps sorry for the 'pink' look its me camera...annoying.

    3. Hi,

      the pictured one is not mine. I have a similar one from a barn in the Argonne, it is 105cm from tip to the ring... so about 41 inches... that would reach from the front of the barrel, to the back of the MG, and still have 4-5cm to spare...


      You mentioned mg correct through the grip plate peep hole I showed the pics to mg chums at a gig slightly puzzled should be longer with a flat blade tip and slot. Two things maybe the end was broken or may be just a push through.

      If you have one and want to sell who you going to call?......not ghostbusters... me. ;)

    4. 'Interesting sled - did you buy it?'

      No Mark it has a Bentley price tag so left it for Chris.

      Couple of tool pouches the carry strap would usually be linen or papercloth a soldier used a Gew, sling strange goings on things happening in two's for me at the moment, no I'm not building a Hoss Ark but it is raining here..pouring down! :blush:


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