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    Posts posted by oli4vercammen

    1. How do you tell? Are there indicators to look for?

      the enamal, the details on the loop and you got an old ribbon: dark and wide. The commander of Alex K has a more modern ribbon.

      In the old days the ribbon of the commanders where wider than the ribbons of the knights and officers. But when the ribbons became to expensive the producers took the ribbon of the knights and made a string on that.

    2. That's a nice bronze one! I like it.

      When bronze is new, it has a very shiny look, only when it breads a lot of air and sulphur in the air, it oxidizes and gets a patina just like silver and gets darker. You could clean it like a prowd soldier and make it shine like the bal of the suspention or let it like it is like most of the collectors do.

    3. A grand cross set of a former colony of that country???

      From what colony was the order of the netherlands lion??

      The order of the Leopard of Congo was instituted in 1966, when the republic was independant of Belgium. Later it became Za?re an then Congo again, after Moboutu died.

      The order of the Netherlands Lion was created in september 1815 for that part of the country that's named Belgium since 1830. :(

    4. Nice medal,

      But I don't think that it had been painted by someone, more likely by the jeweller since I believe it to be an officers cross.

      If you look at the ribbon, there is a hole and a circular "shadow-shape" to be seen on the ribbon,

      there belonged an rosette to denote the officers class instead of the knights class.

      Kind regards,


      Jacky, I sold Paddywhack that one. You had to see that, it was a true horrorshow, before I handeled it and sold it to Paddywhack. I believe that are my pictures, before he restored it.

      There where plastic diamonds glued on it and the crown had a thick layer of gold paint on it (the horror, the horror, the horror :violent: )

      I removed the diamonds and the thick layers of some sort of glue.

      I like to see the final result Paddywhack. Do you have pictures?

      here wil follow pictures how I got it:

    5. heres mine!!! some twat had painted the crown and lion with matt gold paint! iv since gotten it all off and it looks amazing with proper guilding on it!!! very nice!!! :beer:

      Oh I remember that one ;) I'm glad that you got rid of the paint of that terrorist (hey, it wasn't me :P )! are you still looking for that rosette? An old one is going to be impossible and a new one is going to be expensive, I'll warn you!

    6. I only have one silver medal of the order, on the ribbon of the order of the crown :S

      How much do those knights fetch???

      what shall I say? depends when you are lucky or not, but normaly you'll have to pay between 150 and 200 euro, I guess. It also depends in what condition they are or what period.

      Those ribbons are relatively easy to find in Belgium.

      can you post a picture of the medal only?

    7. p.s didn't that picture come off ebay??

      Maybee if you read my post carefully I've written: "anyway this was on my computer, so I didn't have to scan it. yes I know I'm a lazy dude."

      So it means that I won the auction, copied the pictures and posted them, so I didn't have to scan the decoration!

      Becouse all this bla, bla and no boem, boem (the Flemish will understand this joke ;-)) I'll post a picture of a part of my collection. When I saw that it wasn't there :speechless1: I thurned in several collours :cheeky: but then I remembered that it was in a box of not labeled decorations!


      moraal van het verhaal: niet zagen en foto's posten of ik word boos :violent:

      natuurlijk kan je me steeds gerelateerde vragen stellen en moet je me niet als een arogante kl**tzak aanzien en mocht je ooit eens naar Vaanderen komen dan ben ik niet te beroerd om je op een pintje te trakteren :beer:

      excuse me for my use of the Flemish language on this international forum :blush:

    8. Hello Oli4,

      I have read it before in the book of Alec Purves, and know I read it again. Is this really King Albert?

      My book of Henri Quinot says.....la t?te d'un soldat casqu?... translated is this " a head with a helmet"

      In what book did you found this? I'm very curious.

      kind regards,


      I didn't got it from a book I guess It's him, becouse he was the king then. He was the "Koning ridder" (king knight) and the soldier has a laurelwreath on his helmet and this is a sign of a winner and Albert was seen by all the winning countries as a great man.

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