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    Posts posted by sdp

    1. I found some info on Marine SA's from Fisher...

      "Apart from the naval daggers for the Kriegsmarine, the only marine dagger was the marine dagger of the NSKK. This was issued to units of the NSKK, which formed the Pwer Boat Standarte / Kraftbootstandarte. The members of the unit wore navy blue uniforms, and their daggers were colour coordinated to match the uniform. The SA standard pattern dagger was issued with either brown or black grips, black scabbard and appropriately for marine use, brass coloured crossguards and scabbard fittings. In the first large production of SA daggers, the marine unit and the transportation unit received the standard SA dagger. At a later stage , probably when the later chained NSKK dagger was introduced, the transportation unit SA daggers were modified by having the scabbard painted black. There are NSKK daggers with crossguard regional group area codes of the first large issue of SA daggers in 1934/35, however, there are no anodized scabbards but only those that have been painted. The marine unit dagger was then possibly also changed.

    2. Thanks Bob...

      The flag was on eBay, hence the 3 day inspection period which is 3 days more than what your average Seller would give, it wasn't from a Dealer. They had 85 feedbacks, 100% positive.

      I have owned an original SS flag before, (see attached) but it was such a long time ago, I'm doing a lot from memory.

      I have now bought the flag as I manage to purchase it at a price that I can easily get my money back on, even if it does in fact turn out to be a repro or fantasy flag.

      Cheers, Scott

    3. The brown scabbard one is made by G. Felix. The black scabbard one appears to be a ground Rohm and I think, after showing to others, that it's an Eickhorn, as most of the makers mark is gone... (see picture).

      Despite what Fisher says, there is no sign of any staining to either grip. It's definitely all original and unmessed with but to be fair, he only saw photos and didn't have a hands on opinion.

    4. Bob... I'm an addict when it comes to these daggers. I look everywhere and anywhere, pretty well everyday and a few times a day, (I think I have a problem), I have to say I've seen quite a few of these in the last year. What I can also say is that I haven't seen any in that condition and none remotely even close to it... :love:

      I find that the McSarr list is a good guide but it is Mike's opinion from the information that he gathered at the time. I believe he is working on it right now to update it?

      I also find the Fisher quick reference guide a useful source.

      Cheers, Scott

    5. Hi Scott,

      Not a bad limit... but one thing I've learned in this hobby throughout the years... there really is no limit. A collection is a living, breathing entity. It grows, changes and even matures over time. Tastes change as do attitudes. I started out primiarly with TR and really loved and enjoyed it. I didn't limit myself to TR as I wanted to learn alot about everything I could get my hands on. But TR was the main focus. But over time with so many fakes, dishonest dealers and even collectors entering the hobby, not to mention the bad connotations of it all (I've yet to have someone, even conversationally accuse me of being a communist because I collect Soviet stuff.) just all conspired to make it not as much fun anymore. I more of less dropped out of TR many years ago... simply hanging on to what I had. Then over the years keeping the wolves at bay at times necessitated letting pieces go. So over time my TR collection kept growing ever smaller.

      But I was lucky and after a lifetime of studying Russian and Soviet history and growing up during the Space Race and times when the Soviet Union and it's allies were constantly in the news and such it was hard not to be attracted to that area of militaria. Of course until the wall fell I was pretty much only able to read about such things and watch documentaries. There were a few books which had a couple of uniforms and such here and there but that was about it. But when the wall fell, I tested the waters. Then shortly thereafter I fell into a few large deals which netted me the bulk of all the basic pieces I'd need. So since then I've been adding pieces, more high end of late. I also feel I've matured a great deal as a collector, especially since joing the Club. I'm now much more focused and am seeing things in a new light. This place is probably the equivalent of a university education in militaria... I kid you not!

      So, what are your other interests in the hobby? Any chance you could be lured to the red side? :cheeky::jumping:

      And thanks again for sharing. I for one am looking forward to seeing more of your posts.

      Thanks, :cheers:


      Hi Dan, as far as the daggers go, I'm really only interested in SA, NSKK and SS. I don't mind the 1st Luft's, RLB and RAD but my primary focuss is the former. I do love SS swords, although I have never owned one to date. I don't know what it is that draws me so much to these particulars daggers, I assume it's the craftsmanship.

      There is an awful lot of dishonest people out there and there is definitely some dark connotations that go with collecting TR daggers. I like the fact that I can dodge the dishonest sellers and can spot fakes, it makes me feel that I am becoming more experienced in the field and it just confirms things where once I would doubt myself. As far as the dark connotations go, yes I admit that I don't freely and openly tell non collectors about my hobby but the ones that I do tell know me as a person and know that I place no value whatsoever into the political side of things. I remember reading on another forum that a guy said, "just because I have the equipment of a male, does that make me a rapist" :lol: Same thing with collecting TR daggers, it doesn't make me a Nazi. Only ignorant people see it differently.

      Can't say I've really seen much of the Soviet daggers, so not sure if I can be swayed into that area... :unsure: On the occassions where I have some spare cash to buy daggers, I'm straight off to the German ones. :cheeky: The black ones I love the most, no red as yet. :lol:

      Before I did start collecting daggers, I used to collect flags and you can already guess it... SS. The thing I found here though, was that these are so expensive and very few and far between. I sold my last SS flag a few years ago to enhance my dagger collection and to pay off a few debts. I haven't been around long enough like some of my fellow collectors, to have accumulated enough wealth to keep buying such expensive items.

      I look forward to being a member here and seeing other enthusiasts collections.

      Cheers, Scott

      P.S. - Nearly forgot to mention, I also love the Railroad Eagles but unfortunately don't own one, (yet).

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