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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Megan

    1. Megan


      Here is the 3rd Class.
    2. Megan


      Order of the Torch of Kilimandjaro Mwenge Wa Kilimanjaro Awarded in 3 classes to heads of state, heads of government and governmental ministers - apparently more by position held than accomplishments or services rendered. This is the 1st Class, which is worn as a sash badge. There is no star.
    3. Thanks, Dragomir - yours is more literal a translation, but I was trying to get the feel of how it would actually be best represented in English. (Only I didn't know the word 'равноапостольного'... not something you often encounter!)
    4. Vanuatu General Service Medal Instituted: 1988. This one bears the clasp 'SANTO' - I don't know to what that refers, or what other clasps may exist. Obverse:
    5. Thank you, Roman. If you'd like the magazine credited (as well as your good self), could you tell me the title?
    6. Here's my take:- * Орден святого апостола Андрея Первозванного - Order of St. Andrew the First-Called * Орден святого равноапостольного великого князя Владимира - Order of St. Vladimir * Орден святой равноапостольной великой княгини Ольги - Order of St Olga * Орден святителя Иннокентия, митрополита Московского и Коломенского - Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna * Орден преподобного Сергия Радонежского - Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh * Орден святого благоверного князя Даниила Московского - Order of St. Daniel of Moscow * Орден святого мученика Трифона - Order of the Holy Martyr Trifon * Орден благоверного царевича Димитрия, Угличского и Московского - Order of the Tsarevich Dimitri (Tsarevich is more than mere 'Prince,' more Heir to the Throne) * Медаль святителя Иннокентия, митрополита Московского и Коломенского - Medal of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna * Медаль преподобного Сергия Радонежского - Medal of St. Sergius of Radonezh * Медаль святого благоверного князя Даниила Московского - Medal of St. Daniel of Moscow These are very interesting, Roman. Any chance you'd grant permission to add those pictures to my website?
    7. This is an Israeli bar. 1. Sinai Campaign Ribbon (service against Egypt between 29 October to 6 November 1956) 2. Six Day War Ribbon (service 5-10 June 1967)
    8. Order of Vanuatu Very curious one, this... Instituted in 1987, and awarded to citizens and others for achievements or distinguished service in 4 Classes. And this is where the fun starts, the classes are: Badge of Honour, Badge of Distinction, Vanuatu Distinguished Service Medal and Vanuatu Meritorious Service Medal! Here's the Badge of Honour: The curly white bit is supposed to represent the tusk of a wild pig.
    9. Megan


      Medal of Defence of the Territory Instituted: 1994. Awarded: To military personnel who served for 180 days or in a major combat during civil unrest 1991-93. Obverse:
    10. Megan


      And the reverse:
    11. Megan


      National Medal of Honour About all I know is that it comes in 3 classes. Here's the 3rd Class, obverse:
    12. Megan


      2nd Class, reverse:
    13. Megan


      Star of Bravery Etoile de la Vaillance Comes in 3 classes, & seems to be a military award. The 1st Class has a palm on ribbon, 2nd Class a silver star & the 3rd Class a bronze star. Here's a 2nd Class, obverse:
    14. Megan


      Thanks, Antonio. Will go & update my site accordingly.
    15. Megan


      Star of Devotion Etoile du Devouement I'm told it comes in 5 classes, and appears to be a military meritorious service (also wounded in action) award. Here's the Officer:
    16. Megan


      More fragments.... this is the Officer of the National Order of Education.
    17. Megan


      National Order of June 27 Instituted: 27 June 1977 - the day Djibouti became an independent republic. So far I have heard that there is a Commander and a Knight class... but not what other ones exist, or what you get it for. Here's the Knight:
    18. Megan


      Eek. Does anyone know about the post-Independence medals? What little I know follows... Order of the Grand Star of Djibouti Supposedly the highest order, no idea of date of institution or what you get it for. Believed to consist of a collar and either 3 or 5 classes (equally reliable sources differ), any mention of someone getting it always refers to a 'Commander'... (even someone you'd expect to be given a 1st Class award). Here is a badge:
    19. Megan

      Ivory Coast

      Medal of Honor for the Armed Forces This is quite a recent addition, and awarded in a single class.
    20. Megan

      Ivory Coast

      Medal of Honor for Police This is awarded in 2 classes, and this is the 2nd Class:
    21. Chris... you just made me laugh so much I've now had to explain what a 'loadmaster' is to my daughter!
    22. In the British Army I've had people asking me where in their rack they ought to put a medal they've just been awarded, or even which way round an asymmetrical one goes... these being people senior to me by both rank and length of service! And we HAVE established and accessible orders of precedence. Anyhow, for the Orders & Federation medals I'm going for the sequence as shown at http://award.adm.gov.ru/... and as for the rest, pretty much as you have it on Wikipedia. If they cannot be bothered to establish their own order of precedence, we'll make a de facto one... they'll probably pinch it, file the serial numbers off and use it as their own eventually!
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