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    Kerry Langford

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    Everything posted by Kerry Langford

    1. Good morning all, Looking for some information on the above mentioned name for some family tree insertion if someone with access to this information can assist? What we know: Name: Robert Darrell St. George Tucker (seated 2nd from left) DoB: 13/12/1916 Returned to UK in 47 and brought the Chindit dragons home with him so it is assumed he was posted in Burma but details from the family are sketchy at best. After the war he relocated with his wife to Cape Town South Africa. He was instrumental in opening of the radiology department at Groote Schuur. He retired in 1965 and passed away in 1996. Many thanks for any assistance on his military career. Regards, Kerry
    2. Citizen force of some form in Paris that seemed be be intended for 'maintenance of order'. I would imagine that this is some form of enrolment form, or even dismissal.
    3. Names mentioned - Charles Eugene De Lorraine, Louise-Julie-Constance de Rohan. I do not understand or read French but I really love the way the forefathers of yesteryear used to present their correspondence no matter the subject. I do apologise for the landscape version, no matter what I do it will not allow me to do a portrait version. Back of page
    4. ' Field Marshal Robert Cornelius Napier, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala GCB, GCSI, FRS (6 December 1810 – 14 January 1890)' This could be the one that was mentioned. I'm enjoying the letters, both interesting as well as some lessons learned in how exquisite the correspondence between people should be put to paper. The respect is amazing to see.
    5. 'John Peter Grant went up on Thursday last to assume the functions of Gnl in the central provinces till communications are restored with Agra. Outram goes with him to command the troops in the Dinapur and Cawnpore Divisions, and Napier the chief of his staff is a first rate man of the Neill stamp – the effects of the removal of Gnl Lloyd from Dinapur are already visible and the substitution of Samuells for Mr Taylor at Patna is of the greatest promise. Taylors order for the abandonment of the outstations is perhaps the most mischievious thing that has been done yet, always excepting the military imbecility at Meermut and Dinapur' Would that be the same Napier mentioned in the para above? Ironically in the same letter
    6. Nice work, thank you for the input. With all the information in the letter one wonders why he would put this small insert into this format. The minds of the 19th century, entertaining at least
    7. I do realise this is a long shot but it would be interesting if someone could either recognise or point me in the right direction to be able to decifer what is written here. The letter is from Cecil Beadon to Henry Carre Tucker during the Mutiny war.
    8. Hi Jack, This is a letter from the Duke of Wellington to Henry St. George Tucker who was heavily involved in the East India Company. He stood as Director for many years as well as serving as Chairman twice. I have been involved in the Tucker side of things for a a few years now. A good friend of mine is the direct lineage from Henry St. George Tucker. The fact that Augustus was recommended by by the Duke says something about him. Do you have any info you can shed regarding both Ternan and Reed about their lives? Would be fantastic if you have something. Cheers,
    9. Brilliant Peter, as I read letters from the war it gets more interesting. Try wrap your head around this one: Distance between Raniganj and Benares - 488 km's Distance between Ranigang and Calcutta - 170 km's That's 658 km's at the greatest distance between the two bodies involved in this letter. Once you've read the letter below think of the way in which the messages were delivered, then the time in which that took and finally, if you look at his number of dispatches per day they could accomplish think of the amount of men and the logistics it involved just simply getting this one letter through. Then think of the amount of time the Bullock Trains took! It's mind boggling! 2nd June 1857 To: Henry Carre Tucker (Comissioner of Benares - now Varanasi) From: Sir Cecil Beadon (Lt/Governor of Bengal Presidency based in Calcutta - now Kolkata) - The absolute limit to our daily dispatch of dawk carriages from Raniganj is ten, and generally we can only accomplish nine. - To maintain even this rate, necessary that the carriages should not remain a day in Benares, but should return instantly - In the same way our Bullock train accommodation between Nuwabganj and Sherghati is limited to 96 men a day - Greatest number therefore that we can convey between these two places daily is 120; and anything that tends to cripple our means of conveyance limits the number of men we can send - Now your Bullock train is quite unlimited and though of course the pace is comparatively slow, yet it is of far more importance that a large body of Europeans should be as speedily as possible collected at Benares than a few of them should be pushed on to Allahabad with extreme rapidity to the sacrifice of the former object - It is of no use encouraging a larger means of from the Soan (river) to Benares, unless we can strengthen our establishment between Raniganj and the Soan of which at present there seems little prospect. - Unfortunately wagons cannot travel in the hills and the number of carts available is very small. C. Beadon P.S. - Your first batch of 120 ought to arrive the day after tomorrow. - The men I fear will be fatigued by the journey in such heat as this. - If Sikhs can be used anywhere with advantage it must be between Benares and Allahabad
    10. Owen, thank you plenty for pointing that out. Seems the Duke put forward a decent cadet. Now to find out a bit more about his grandfather Colonel Reed. Thank you once again, it's interesting reading his letters. Gives a good idea of what the man was about. Cheers,
    11. Good day all, Here's a letter from the DoW. There is a name mentioned 'Mr Augustus Henry Jernan' that I can't seem to find any info on. If there is someone who has access to the records from the Cadet Office at India House it would be great to see what this lad eventually did with his life. Much appreciated, Kerry Letter Contents.docx
    12. No medals anymore unfortunately but there some very interesting letters I have through the Mutiny years. Here's one to Henry Carre Tucker from Lord Canning. There are a number of other names that have come up in a variety of other letters but still doing some research on these figures. Enjoy
    13. Thank you sir, your input has been most welcome
    14. Another sample, I will stop after this one ;-)
    15. What a laugh, thanks for the input. I have at least 150 documents of all natures so the rest should make for some interesting (if not hilarious) reading
    16. Bison, thanks for that, I have just put 2 larger pics of the letters up for better reading
    17. Hey guys, This is more for anyone's interest than anything else. I have a fair number of documents like these. still obviously have to have them interpreted as I have no idea how to speak or read French. oldest date so far seems to be late 1700's so we'll see how far we get with this. If there is anything of value that I come across in the next year I will definitely post. This is unfortunately going to take a while and I still have to locate someone in Cape Town who would be interested to take this on as a project. If anyone knows of a body who would care to look at them I would obviously be most grateful. Cheers.
    18. The cup has been tested and found to be silver but the ironic thin is there are no markings whatsoever on the cup so as for specific dating etc I can't do the tracing. The cup does fall in line with all the Tuckers so it was definitely from that time. The Colonel would be Louis Henry Emile Tucker who was with the Bengal Infantry at the time.
    19. Evening all, I have tried to do a bit of research on the history of this cup but don't seem to be getting too far. If there is anyone that can shed some light on this it would be nothing less than interesting Inscription: Kellner's Cup Simla Races 1895 Presented By (C or G) F. Kellner & Co. Won by Col Tuckers Cock Robin Obviously some form of horse/bird/dog race or whatever they did for fun in those days. Thanks plenty
    20. Thanks Mike, Some interesting stuff there. Haven't found much yet but will post if there is anything of interest. Kerry
    21. Paul, Mervyn - thanks for the input. Will do some more digging to see where I get to. Have a great day
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