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    Jock Auld

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    Posts posted by Jock Auld

    1. Jock, what do you mean? FAR 46 is Niedersächsisches Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr.46. So, Niedersachsen is not only an option - it's the only option. FAR 46 was garrisoned in Hannover, Niedersachsen. (Lower Saxony in English).

      I am looking at the tags when you post, it offers certian options of which Niedersachen is not one, I thought maybe back then it came under another larger area of responsibility?

      Just trying to help the search engines.


    2. The birdy is looking to the right! So no Wehrmacht at all. It's a party eagle. And it is even to big for a vehicle penant.

      There are only two things with an embroidered golden party eagle this size, that come to my mind. But they are so unrealistic...

      Maybe someone else has a better idea first?

      Thats interesting because if you look at the next page in the reference and the (period)picture at the bottom of p316 between 3 pages they seem to be looking in both directions, maybe they knew something was coming?

      Or perhaps it is to do with the way the penant is flying?


    3. Odulf,

      That is something I never thought about as you see both sorts of picture around a lot, so he is an 'Apple' man (this may make you chuckle: http://www.epicrapbattlesofhistory.com/video/O80KPLVeUEoc/category/all/tag/all/section/most_viewed_episode/page/0).

      It is the same guy, so safe to say 1911 +.

      I have a few more bits from that group but it overlaps Weimar and KM, should I add them here as part of the story so to speak?


    4. I am looking at Uniforms and Traditions of the KM, volume 3 p314, at the bottom is a schematic of veh penant sizes.

      I have done the maths from the sketch and if it is 330mm in lengnth represented by roughly 55mm in the picture that would make the eagle in the picture roughly 15cm and a bit? Give or take since the other pic is 350mm so there must have been a bit of variation between different manufacturers?

      A possability?


    5. Can you please tell us if it is painted or embroidered or whatever?

      To me it looks like it was embroidered... and matches the size of a general naval officers breast eagle.

      Not very exiting...

      It could have been glued on any material for whatever reason....

      What is the glue like? (modern or ancient?)


      To my opinion, whatever...

      Thats 185mm or 18.5cm by 75mm or 7.5cm, not even a German Genaral has a chest that big surely except on comedy sketches? Do you mean 85mil?

    6. This is some more I got today from a bloke that already sold me some stuff, this is his dad, I don't understand why he sold it but I'm happy to take it off his hand.

      I like the staged pics with the two lads on the scissor binoes, I like his dads walking stick!

      There are the small group as well that appears to show him getting dressed for a patrol.

      I posted in the KM tallies section the Celle Marine HJ, this is also the same guy.

      A couple of his travel warrants as well.


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