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    E Williams

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    Posts posted by E Williams

    1. 1913 Erfurt, 1913 was Erfurt's second year with the first ones coming off the line in 1911. Erfurt was the second Armory to receive an Army contract in 1910, DWM being the first in 1908, hence Model P-08. From 1910-1918, the whole Erfurt production neared 23,000 "Artillery" models and 496,000 regular models. This one, except for the magazine, although it is an Erfurt proofed magazine, all numbers match, including the grip panels. It is graded with 95% blue and 90% straw. Holster wear is normal but this one has wear on the left side of the barrel. This had to be of a broke pull strap that fell down into the holster and rubbing the barrel area. Other than that, it's a great example of an early Erfurt 9mm Luger. Notice also it does not have a shoulder stock lug. Lugs started being put on the grip late 1913, if my memory is still working. I've added a few extra photos to show how every part was Erfurt proofed.


      These next two photos is what makes this Luger a 'crème de crème' of my collection. What am I thinking??? To find a young, sweet, beautiful, petite psychic and tell her to close her eyes. Take Cpl Kunst's militarpass and put it in her left hand and then put this luger in her right hand and then whisper softly in her ear..............tell me their History!!!!


      2nd Ersatz Machine Gun Company 9th Army Corps weapon no# 85

    2. Received this photo today. From the only visible shoulder board Regt ID, this MG crew belonged to the 242 Res JR, 53rd Res Div (Saxony) They took part in Flanders-Ypres, LaBassee, Somme, Loos, Champagne, Galicia, spent a year on the Eastern Front, later participated in Picardy, Verdun and Soissons. Purely Saxon.

      These troops almost all have received the IC2. Any translation would be appreciated. I see a few words I understand but that's all. Which one is Wilhelm?????




    3. E

      Love to see it when you have time love Erfurt gear I'd like one myself but mg marked ones are tough.


      Eric, I will be picking it up Wednesday and I'll post photos Wednesday evening.

      If you were following when I first joined the forum, I came with a German translation request for a Militarpass I acquired, http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/59973-gefreiter-ferdinand-heinrich-friedrich-kunst/

      That soldier, Cpl Kunst, was in the same Machine Gun unit as the Erfurt I will pick up Wednesday: "2 E.M.G.IX.35".

    4. If any member here has a photo or comes across a photo of any Imperial soldier carrying a luger with a lanyard attached, I'd appreciate a PM or post it here. It must be Imperial German. There has never been any documentation that has surfaced and if they did, it was something the soldier himself made for security. There are remakes of so called "cavalry' lanyards and even so called 'cavalry' holsters but no documentation has ever surfaced. What is taken as a P-08 Luger lanyard are Portuguese issued for their Lugers.



    5. I cut up my credit cards to prevent doing any more damage. I canceled the sniping program I used as well. Now if I want to snipe I have to sit in front of the computer and wait for the timer to tick down.

      Since adopting this process, I do not win as many as I used to but my back account likes me much more.

      I have fun using my credit cards now, for so many years my (ex)-wives always did....not no more!!!!! :D and with the points, it's me who now gets free dinners at Red Lobster !!!!! :cheers:

    6. 1917 Erfurt, all matching including magazine. Erfurt, IMO, were the best of the both, DWM/Erfurt. Both were manufactured with precision but Erfurts were a step above by having every single part proofmarked including each grip screw.

      This one is not military unit marked but was chosen after the war to be reconditioned to be issued for Weimar police use which always overlapped into the Nazi era. This is why this is being shown with it's police issued and marked aluminum based magazine. Notice the number '2.' meaning this was the pistols spare magazine. You will also sometimes see the ser no# with the '+' sign meaning spare magazine and in this case was a re-issue and ser no#'d marked under the Nazi era and was originally issued to Schupo Berlin weapon no# 7716

      This is the last of my Police Luger collection. Later this week it will be traded off for another Erfurt (1913) that is MG unit marked.



    7. DR 20's shoulder strap was red with a yellow crown. Yellow tends to look black in old B&W photos.

      See here for more: http://www.kaisersbunker.com/gtp/straps.htm

      Senior moment..............I still sometimes forget that my brain is thinking color while my eyes are seeing B&W.

      I think that pretty much has arrived at the conclusion. Dragoon Regt 20. Thanks to all.................

    8. Very nice items! I have a few Luger holsters, but have never owned anything but a Reichsrevolver. Would love a nice Luger.

      I'm curious about your identification of the Bavarian officer's boards. What do you base that on? What color is the underlay? I would have thought that a Train unit would have Arabic numbers and a blue underlay.


      Hello Chip....thanks for your kind comment. Any of your holsters unit marked?

      Here are some better photos, front and back, a bit faded but the blue is still there...a bit.


    9. I found a curious engraving in a Sy Wagner EKI recently sold. As it seemed no ordinary name, I dare to google it and with surprise discovered a scottish clan motto in latin...



      What are your thoughts?

      I saw this as it arrived on the site. I too went to the dictionary and although it is a motto of the Clan Hay, it also is just Latin for "keep the faith/love/devotion which could very well have been use by the recipient to 'keep the loyalty' to the Fatherland.....IMO.

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