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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. 50. This is the bar from Stogie that really put me on the legendary slippery slope...two very rare medals on one bar. It was a nice way to start.
    2. 48. Again, a WWII bar but I thought it was a very interesting combination of awards especially with a matching ribbon bar.
    3. 45. This bar in particular always speaks to me of the tremendous emotional prices paid by those who remain and " soldier on" on the home front regardless of which side.
    4. 42. This was a very brave Bavarian. The theory is he was wounded and disabled as a result of earning his SBM or shortly thereafter. He never received more than this other than his wound badge and HK that are part of his group.
    5. 41. How did this sneak into an imperial accumulation?? It's 1939 brass EKI attributed to a U-Boat skipper who survived the war. This is one of two EKIs I have that are attributed to U-Boat commanders. I'm adding a picture of Heinrich Neimeyer, the man who owned this cross.
    6. 39. For a change of pace a lovely vaulted, cased S-W EKI with the reverse inscribed Serva Jugum
    7. 38. The medal bar of Rittmeister Waldemar Bodenstedt, Adjutant, Husaren Regiment 13. KIA at Kutno on the eastern front. This one still sings to me.
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