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    Posts posted by Blitz

    1. Here is the young brother of the EK1 stats thread.. The EK2 stats thread! :P

      As before, the main focus of this thread are the 1914EK2s, allthough you are more than welcome to add 1870s pieces too and their additions (i. e. oak leaves and the clasp). 1813EKs aren't included for the same reasons I stated in the EK1 thread. So here goes nothing and remember what I said about double posts!

      I don't have anything to start this thread with because I post my EK2s over at WAF. There will be periodical updates that include results from both WAF and Gmic and their frequency depends on the volume of results.

      Thank you for you support!

      All EKs are magnetic unless said otherwise.

      Ps. It's a wonder if I manage to keep my sanity with all these threads.. :speechless:

    2. In light of public interest and a new book that is "in the works", I've decided that it's time to include Imperial EKs to the stats department in more detail. The main focus of this thread are the 1914EK1s, allthough you are more than welcome to add 1870s pieces too. 1813EKs aren't included for the simply reason that they did not have any makermarks (at least at the time of awarding) nor did they have makers that are known today and that could be traced to a manufacturer.

      So once again, I'm asking for your support and endurance. Oh and there is just one other thing, there is a similar stats thread going on in WAF, so try not make any double posts. So you're going to have to make a choise and stick with it as I've made. I'll post my EK1s here and EK2s there.

      Thank you in advance.

      Remember that all EKs are magnetic pinpacks by default.

      Here is my one and only tribute to this thread:


      1 cased

    3. Brian, your mysterious bavarian looks very much like Crownprince Rupprecht...

      Wonderful awards with nice quality indeed. :beer:

      Gordon, was the Emperor grand master to all japanise orders? Are these orders still beign awarded and if not, do you know what their current orders are?

    4. As far as beauty goes, your's is at the top, Jens! :beer: And a great story too. I think it's only a matter of time before you can name this artillery observer. Detailed history books that are well reseached should have that information. Alas the western front of ww1 is not within my area of expertise, so I can't give any directions, but still, it shouldn't be overwhelmingly difficult.

    5. It seems that the high number of these hessian bravery medalls awarded during ww1 led to a continued drop in it's silver content. To an extent that by 1917 it had dropped by 25% from the prewar levels and continued to drop untill 1918, when a version was awarded that was made out of silver covered "kriegsmetall". So I guess that hallmark could give a clue as to when Dons medall was made and awarded.

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