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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. I can?t remember having seen a Golden one on a Medalbar before. I have had a silver cross myself on a Medalbar, but wasn?t sure, if its original to it, as it was a simple EK 2, Honorcross with X and Danzig Cross combination. Could have been original, but could have been replaced too.

      But this one is a nice Bar without the slightest doubt, that it is okay with all the extras, it came with. The mini-device is really awesome,one of the rarest at all. :cheers:

    2. If it's a group, I wonder why the Prague medal is an older version and that the Victory over Germany and Berlin Capture medal are later variation.

      So if it's legit, it should have an interesting story from being partisan and the under Koniev orders in fighting in Berlin and in Prague.

      I myself believe it's a "put together", but I'm no specialist. So let's wait for the results.

      Bryan, do you know for sure, that these medals (u-shaped eyelet) are definately later version and if yes, where did you get that information from?

      Thanks in advance


    3. When you consider the cumulative years of collecting expertise within a forum, there is nothing better than members putting their heads together and exchanging information!!! We are sitting on a real gold mine of info and expertise in GMIC!!!

      May it never run dry and may its gold never tarnish!! ;)

      Jim :cheers:

      Jim, i agree completely and it is not limited on the soviet section only :cheers:


    4. "felt" vs "matboard"

      As some of you may know...me and my collection have been parted. When opening up a couple of my felt backed frames to pack the medals, I smelled a strong metallic smell in a couple of the frames. Whereas the air in my frames does not circulate much and each frame may host anywhere between 10-20 medals, I get the feeling that the technically "acid free" felt backing I was using for these 2 frames was in fact not acid free at all! Its amazing how one brand of felt differs in manufacture to another! I believe its not so much the felt itself but the adhesive used to attach the felt to the back of the frame that does the damage!

      I believe that a sheet of acid free matboard as redcross proposed will probably go a long way to providing for good safe display and I will surely replace the backing in these 2 particular frames to see how this works out. I will keep you posted with the results...... although of course.... it might be a while! I trust Gerd will too. Like that we can compare the results and benefits of shifting from felt and cardboard to matboard.

      Jim :cheers:

      Its noticed this discoloration on some of my orders too, which were mounted with some cloth, which i bought in a hobbyists shop. The seller told me, its acid free and shouldn?t do any harm to my orders. So either the used cardboard or the used cloth caused the discoloration. The ones, that i had mounted on cardboard alone, were okay. But now i have dismounted them though after Bryans warning.

      Will keep you guys updated with any further results...

      Very informative thread, btw!



    5. Ahhhh, the VERY fragile "plastic sheet" type, made out of old garden watering cans. :cheers:

      Here's mine:


      Given how brittle these are, they don't show up very often. I wonder if they were soft and flexible when they were new, but 50 years age hasn't been kind to them. I don't look like I did in 1958 either. :rolleyes:

      Thanks, Rick. Couldn?t find that thread, otherwise i would have posted there.

      This one is in nice condition, just two small aeras of damage on the first and the last ribbon. If just the Red Star would be with it, then i could research it :(

      But still, its a lovely bar, exspecially with the Type 1 LS-Medal.


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