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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. OoV,

      i have pointed out my biggest concerns about your medal on the picture below. The better pictures untunately confirmed my doubts about your Medal. Compare these areas to the original medals posted on the MONDVOR website (see link above in Uwe?s post)

      I really hate it to be the killjoy, but i think, you deserve a honest answer.

      Get a real one, while they are still affordable...

      all the best,


    2. I'll make a wager and say that the MM is a long service 10 year award, and the OGPW is an award for wounds received during the War.

      Now let's see what the research actually comes up with!


      Thanks, Dave, thats a good start. That would be my guess too. A Long-Service MMM and an early catch-up award for wounds. I don?t know, if this is relevant in this connection, but the orders book is of the A-series, mostly given to officers.

      I?ll give it a shot and get it researched, even if i have enough catch-up awards for wounds now...

      Thank you too, Doc!


    3. Gerd,

      Thanks. Great, a very detailed explanation. :beer:

      I do not own a Borderguard/Frontier medal so it's useful for me too. I do have a Public order one but I bought it so cheaply that I started to have doubts the moment I opened the parcel. Will need to scan it and post it here.


      You are welcome, Sergei. Unfortunately i don?t own a Borderguard Medal myself, but i have handled a few and they were allways very sharp strikes with beautiful detail. Honestly, i wouldn?t buy one of these myself without consulting a few experts before. There are an awful lot of copies and reproductions of these medals out there, its crazy...


    4. Hi everyone,

      this little group came in today from Alexei and i was asking myself, what this chap might have gotten his Military Merit Medal for? Is this a Long-Service award or a "real" award? Priviledges start in September 1946 (!), so i guess, he got the OPW in the month before, right?

      Impossible to say without research?

      I look forward to hear your opinions and speculations...

      Here is the group:

    5. Gerd,

      Why do you say that? OK, I am a little uneasy about the Partisans but with the Borderguard Medal and the Protection of Public Order you'll need to be a bit more specific. The ring may look so-so, but the sharpness of detail (or the lack of it) could be due entirely to scanning effects. Here is a coin, two different scanners - and even the Queen looks different! If I did not know it was the same coin I would have said the second one is made of cheap metal, is lacking in detail, the face is distorted (especially the cheekbones), the hair is wrong and so on and so forth.

      Hmm, I do hope that my coin is genuine :unsure:



      Hi Sergei,

      you are right, i should be more specific.

      The ring of the border guard medal doesn?t look good and the detail is just not good enough in my opinion. Look at his left foot(right from my Point of view) of the soldier and his coat for an example and compare it to an original medal. The accuracy of the letter from the text on the reverse isn?t too good either. Look at the "Д" and the "й"

      The Protecting the Public Medal has exactly the same problems.

      ok, this is just my opinion and maybe its really just the photo, but i am still don?t think, that these are original. Better photos may convince me otherwise.


    6. You see, very late orders...

      Well, thats not entirely true. The Medal for Bravery is from about End 1943, the Order of Glory 3rd class is probably from Mid 1945 and the Red Star could be a Long Service award from November 1944. The Red Banner is also most probably a Long-Service award, but from 1951.

      The first two mentioned could be interesting to research. Take a look in the researched section for some examples.

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