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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. You're more than welcome my friend.

      You in fact motivated me to drag my camera and my fat ass outside into the fresh air and sunshine.....

      I noticed that the hammer & sickle in the center of one of my OPW is misaligned (see below right).

      Is this common? Has anyone seen an order like this?

      Eric, thats nothing unusual. On many OPW?s the H&S is bent, as its 14k-Gold, which bends quite easily.


    2. Beautiful piece Erik :beer: And exactly the same variation like my Nr. 268.404 in post #6 and 7 This variation has a very concave obverse compared to KMD-variations, i really like that. Ek-freaks would speak of "vaulted" , i guess :cheeky:

      Thanks and go ahead guys, show me more please. Meanwhile here is another one of mine, another KMD-variation, Nr. 514.183

    3. Hi Pete,

      you have to get in touch with a researcher, who will check the archives for you. His service will cost you between 55 and 75 Dollar, if you request the usual documents like Award Card, Citation and maybe also the Service Record, if you want. If you decide to get it researched, send me a pm and i?ll give you a contact, who can help you with this.



      PS: Nice avatar ;)

    4. Well, i think, the combination of the big one is not impossible. Assumed, he got the Centenary first and added a Long-service award, the War Merit Cross and the Mecklenburg Cross in WW1, he went on as a civilian in a Red Cross fuction somewhere. The two white-red ribbons are probably a Red Cross-award from Weimar-area and a Volkspflege-Medaille then.

      I am curious, what the Evil Twins™ have to say to this one.

      I have no problems with the 5-place bar.



    5. Hello everyone,

      here is a Glory 3rd class, which i got research for lately. I am still waiting for the translation, but until then, someone of you might like to help me to fill the gaps.

      Here is what i have so far:

      Boiko, Vasilii Ivanovich, born 1921


      Order of Glory 3rd class Nr. 304.970 awarded on 20.02.1945

      Order of the Red Star Nr. 1.390.299 awarded on 13.05.1945

      Medal for the Defense of Leningrad (noted on his citation)

      What i understand from the citation:

      "During the destruction of the enemy group in the region ??? Sergeant Boiko proved himself ...stoic, couraggeous commander.

      On a Reconnaissance with his Platoon on 3. February sergeant Boiko captured two enemy germans and gathered valuable information. During the assault on ??? Comrade Boiko was the first, who broke into the village....where 8 germans were killed, 3 of them by Comrade Boiko.

      For Courage, Boldness and skillfull management of his company Comrade Boiko deserves to be awarded the Order of the Red Star.

      Commander of the Battalion, Guards Major Voronov

      by order of the 70th Army Nr. 47/H of the 20.2.1945 he is awarded the Order of Glory 3rd class

      Division-Chief of the Personnel, Colonel Sazonov

      Approved, Lieutenant Colonel Kazakov"

      Here is a scan of his award card:

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