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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Once the web sites up and running will it mean that postage is any quicker :unsure:

      BTW Gerd, what guy from yesterday :o

      Order of Victory

      LOL. Don?t you love it, when germans try to make jokes in english :cheeky:

      In the most cases i get my research very quickly after i paid it. I think i only once waited longer than 2 weeks.

      What does he need a website for? I?ve sent him at least 10 new customers last year andi know, i am not the only one. He won?t have the time for my research anymore :speechless1:

    2. Well, i guess, i am going to collect entiry estates from Generals from now on... :speechless1::cheeky:

      I have never knowingly bought a piece, which belonged to a group, but i must say, i was temted to bid on the soviet pieces from the Mielke estate a few years ago, but i wasn?t entirely sure, if i want to collect soviet at that time. Now i wish, i did. A Red Banner to a German would be a centerpiece of my collection. :speechless:

    3. Gerd-

      Now that you have the names, you can request the research on these guys and figure out what they received. I look forward to the results! :beer:


      Dave, that thought already crossed my mind ;)

      Maybe i am really going to do that, but not right now. Still have some awards, which i am more curious to learn about their story than to find out Nikitchenko?s awards.

      But, i?ll keep it in mind, definately...


    4. Actually, Gerd, I always like to have the maximum information possible, so, please . . . ????

      Allright then... Don?t say, i didn?t warn you ;)

      Nr. 409128 is an LMD(Leningrad Mint) "concave reverse" piece observed S/N-range lowest 407001, highest 480590

      Nr. 714487 is a KMD (Krasnokamsk Mint) "flatback" example, observed S/N-range lowest 680669, highest 758394

      Nr. 116666 is an interesting example, its most probably a LMD made "concave revese".

      Nr. 109370 is the same variation like 116666, observed S/N-range for the last both pieces is lowest 100913, highest 133548

      491888 is a KMD piece "flatback", observed S/N-range lowest 482705, highest 496733

      (source www.soviet-screwbacks.com )

    5. Thanks everyone for your contributions :cheers:

      Ed, you have some wonderful examples there. If you are interested to hear, where the particular pieces were produced(ie. Krasnokamsk Mint, Leningrad Mint), just let me know. But thats probably only interesting for variations-nerds like me :cheeky:

      Bryan, definately let us know, what the research brings for this group.

      Its true, every veteran, who was still alive in 1985, received such an OGPW. At least every veteran was authorized, but i doubt, that really everyone got one.

      Jim, i agree, they had more serious problems than to worry about the variation, they got.

      Here is another one of mine, a nice starback Nr. 146.113, researched to Iosif Egorovich Soloviev, awarded for action on the Crimea in 1944, see http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10282

    6. Ed, unfortunately i don?t have anything to add to your badge-threads, but be aware, i enjoy to look at the pieces, you add nearly every day very much. You must have an amazing collection, i don?t even dare to start to think about it ;)

      One thing though: Could you go back and post all the reverses of the badges :speechless1::lol:

      Thanks a lot for your participation here :beer:


    7. Ed, thats a beautiful example and you have nothing to worry about, its absolutely original. It has a nice Brass Hammer&Sickel, there are two theories (I know, you don?t like theories, but i?ll mention them though), why some OPW?s have Brass Hammer&Sickel. Some say,these were "trench-shop" replacements for lost Gold H&S and others say, these were done like this in the mint, when they ran out of Gold ones. Either way, an interesting piece with a great patina.

      Jim, as far as i know, they would be awarded a WW2 version, if available. But i have seen 1985 versions awarded for WW2 action, but i don?t know, if they were legit or not. At least i have seen 1985 OPW Duplicates for WW2 versions, so i?d say, the first mentioned case is possible too.

      Thanks, gentlemen :beer:


    8. Rich,

      welcome. :beer:

      Soviet awards are either researchable over the serialnumber or over the name of the awardee, so it should theoretically be possible to research a documented campaign Medal. I am not sure, if a sole Medal required an award card, but the VoG-Medal and Campaign Medals are mostly noted on it. So, if you have a name, then try it.

      You probably got a pm from someone already, but if you still need a contact, send me a pm.

      The costs are 40 Dollar for the award card, 15 dollar per citation and 20 Dollar for the personal record, if its available. Not exactly cheap, but well worth the result in my opinion.

      best regards,


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