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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Thanks guys. :beer:

      David, yes, there is more than enough space for the Medals. You can easily put even wider things in it like a dagger or similar...

      The Model is RIBBA and you get them in three colors and several different sizes. So there are enough options either for a single Medal or a complete group and anything in between.

      Here is another one, a little smaller, perfect for a small group of two or three Medals or Orders. This is the smallest, if i remember correctly, its 20x15 cm. The first one shown is 50x40 cm.

      all the best,


    2. You?re welcome. There are two different variations of the Veteran of Labor Medals. One is a bit darker toned. I don?t remember, what was the particular difference, but i hope, another member will help us out here.

      Btw, this is the way, i display my Medals. These are simple picture frames. Like the others the background is covered with silk, but in this case the Medal, the ribbonbar and the document are pressed against the glass, which keeps them in place. If i have, i like to include a ribbonbar. Btw, another member here (Michael Riley) has another great way to display Medals, maybe he likes to post a picture.


    3. and last for now is a smaller group. This and the first frame are IKEA-frames, but i don?t remember the name, but if anyone is interested, i?ll find out. I attach some silk on the background, drill holes in the pressed-wood backplate, if necessary and attach the Orders with suspension on the silk-layer and the screwbacks through the holes. Works great and looks good imo.

      Hope, you enjoyed.


    4. I never clean any medals and i recommend to avoid it, if possible. Some Medals have a small coat-layer, which will be removed, when you polish the Medals.

      Here is an example for a display. Its a group of mine with an Order of the October Revolution, an Order of the Red Star, a 1985 issue Order of the Great Patriotic War 1st class and some Medals. I mounted them like follows:

      1st row: Orders

      2nd row: Military Merit Medals, Victory over Germany, Campaign-Medals

      3rd row: Victory Jubilee Medals

      4th row: Armed Forces Jubilee Medals

      If i have a photo (like in this case), i?ll add a print of it somewhere in the display. These are behind glass and i avoid to hang them in direct sunlight, as the ribbons will bleach out with too much UV-radiation.

    5. Thanks for the reply. I want to mainly collect medals but I would be glad to branch out and collect orders as well. On closer inspection I think that my Engineering Institute graduate medal is a fake. I guess that I should have researched a bit more before I purchased one.



      I forgot, i am not aware of any fakes of the Engineering Institue badge, you show. Why do you think, yours is a fake? Can you post a picture?

    6. Thanks for the reply. I want to mainly collect medals but I would be glad to branch out and collect orders as well. On closer inspection I think that my Engineering Institute graduate medal is a fake. I guess that I should have researched a bit more before I purchased one.




      many of the Soviet Medals are still affordable, some of the orders too. For a start, take a look on these websites:


      (its slow and in russian, but a lot of pictures and understandable also to a non-russian speaker)


      (Artur Bates did a great job in giving a good overview of soviet Orders and Medals)

      If your budget is limited, i would recommend to get the series of Victory Medals and the Anniversary Medals of the Armed Forces, for example, as well the cheaper ones of the Campaign-Medals like Leningrad, Berlin, and so on... Of course the Victory over Germany and Victory over Japan Medals too. Later orders of the Red Star are also still not too expensive, they start around 30 Dollar. Orders of the Red Banner start at about 125 Dollar now. These are just a few examples, but i am sure, you will find more, if you look around. I can recommend these two dealers for soviet awards:


      (Alexei Merezhko, very friendly, great stuff for sale)


      (also a very good dealer, although a bit pricy)

      Hope, i could help you.

      all the best,


    7. Gerd....Doc...I hate the plastic ribbon bars...Sorry!!! Just my opinion! BUT....out of curiosity....are these in any way official issues or cases of russian ingenuity to have the perfect ribbon that does not stain (but chips instead)? Always interesting to know more....hate them or love them. :D

      Re the pin for the 25 year anniversary...I of course have this pin as part of two of my groups. However, I never understood this pin. Was a 5 year anniversary not sufficient enough to merit a medal and so a pin was issued instead. Was it awarded in the same manner as the 20 and 30 year annniversary medals were? Thought I'd ask since we're on the subject....


      Jim no problem, as long as i like them ;)

      As far as i know, the 25 years Victory in GPW was an official Medal. I have also two groups with it and i have seen hundreds of photos, where this badge was proudly worn. I guess, the veterans just saw it like the other Jubilee Medals.


    8. The wings form a "VW" so i assume, it has maybe something to do with Volkswagen? "Betriebs-Sport-Abteilung" means Company-sports-department, but the "Leichtmetall" (light metal) doesn?t make sense in this connection, although its not impossible, that VW had a seperate branch or factory for light metal in my opinion.

      I am curious, what other german speaking members think.

      Nice one, Robert.



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