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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Absolutely! As Ricks' tattoo reads "RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH".

      You make a good point that research may some day be closed off and we need to get all the information we can in whatever windows of opportunity exist. While it may be a silly investment in terms of resale value, it is a mandatory investment when it comes to the restoration of history to what is otherwise just a pretty chunk of metal, enamel, and (sometimes) ribbon. Doug is absolutely right.

      It also makes the Master Researcher very happy and pays the cost of his new house. :P

      We await the results . . . :jumping:

      Thanks, Ed. I never think about the resale value, when i buy a piece, but about the historical significance it may have. I have enjoyed all of my researches so far, and this piece just speaks to you and i am very curious, what results it will bring. Will keep you updated of course.

      Thanks again to all who commented!


    2. Sorry for the late response Gerd. I don't show up very often in the Collectors Showcase forum and stick more to the Communism forum. I have to admit that you have an impressive collection after only 2 years and some months. It's been also for me in August-September my second collecting year of Soviet medals. Too bad we haven't started earlier when they were dirt cheap.

      You made a nice presentation and did well by framing them. Too made I didn't manage to add time to visit you and see your collection while I was in Germany. I hope next time I'll be able.

      Congratulations again and I must also admit that I really like the Red Banner display case!

      It seems that you prefer to collect the groups and the Red Banners. Do you also have some Liberation, Capture and Defence medals outside of the ones you have in groups?

      Hello Bryan,

      thanks for the compliments. Like the title implies, its more an addiction sometimes. You are right, i wish, i would have started in 1991 or even in 95, when Red Banners and the most screwback orders were cheap compared to today. But you have a very nice collection too now. I am following the progress and you bought some nice groups too, i have seen.

      Here are the Liberation, and Defense Medals i have, except the one shown in this thread:

      Liberation of Prague with Document

      Defense of Leningrad

      Defense of Polar Region

      and a Warsaw Document, which looks urgently for a Medal to go with it.

      Beside that only a few bits and pieces nothing exiting.

      Btw, i have just made some changes in this thread and put together this frame with all my single documented Labor awards:

      Thanks again :beer:



    3. Yes indeed... Albert and I are typing and posting simultaneously, so I'll go away for a while. Spent the first half of today on scribbly German, so will take a rest from scribbly Russian!

      There is a page showing slowly being promoted from private back through sergeant as he was "rehabilitated."

      And people ask "is research WORTH it??????????????????????????????????"

      How true. Obviously a dumb question. Its allways worth the research.


      the award card is 40 Dollar

      Citation is 15 Dollar

      and service record is also 15 Dollar

      in the most cases you get the award card and the citation. If you are lucky, you get the service record too. So the common price for research for a single piece is 55 Dollar, 70 Dollar with service record.

      If you need a contact, let me know....

      Gilbert, great research :beer:



    4. Hi everyone,

      this is the second Red Star, which came in a lot with the Duplicate, posted in the other thread:


      I would like to ask the research-pro?s like Dave, Rick or Doug, if they think, its worth to research such a 5XX.XXX ORS? You guys know me, i research everything :cheeky: , but what do you think? Its definately not a Long Service Award.

      Would YOU research it or better the Duplicate, which is most likely also not a LS-award?

      Thanks for your opinion.


    5. From what it looks like on my monitor, it looks okay. I like duplicates that look like this (an original piece with the duplicate number stamped on it) rather than a piece with the number rubbed out and then replaced.


      Thanks, Dave. But actually this appears to be a piece, which had a number. I am not 100 % on this, maybe its just a weird allocation of the patina, but there is an area under the serialnumber, which looks, like there could have been a serialnumber. But its damned well done and the digits, size of digits and the "D" look exactly like on other Red Stars, i have seen.


    6. A BA, a MA, and an almost PhD (had to redefine life at "abd" level) in Slavic studies; plus teaching Russian for a couple of years... Spent a semester in St. Petersburg and two in Kiev. That's only the formal training part ;).

      Teaching russian? Are you prepared for an online-course? :cheeky:

      Thats great, Albert. I really wish, i would have done something with Languages too. I?ll have to go with a class at the local VHS, especially as my time is limited. But i will give it a try. And if i see, that my abilities with the russian language are limited, then i hope, at least the teacher is a good looking 28 year old russian brunette ;)

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