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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Albert, thats exactly the problem i encounter, when i try to translate these. I am not sure about some of the letters and as i have not very much experience with russian names, the results are very bad. You obviously have much more experience with russian names. Do you speak russian? If so, where did you learn it?

      Sometimes i envy the people from the former east, who had russian in school and probably heard much more russian names in school and at all.

      My skills with this language don?t progress very much, until i am able to start with a class on the VHS, which only begin in January here.

      Thanks again, my friend. :beer:


    2. Good evening gentlemen,

      i got this OPW 2nd class Nr. 95477 today together with partial research. Unfortunately there was no award card included, but i will probably try to get it, as Comrade Zolin got a decent rack of awards for a staff officer. I?ll post the english translations, which were included. If anyone wishes to see the originals, just let me know.

      Lets start with the piece itself. A wonderful and quite early Krasnokamsk Mint piece with a starback.


    3. Actually his dad's name was Nikandr-- so it's Nikandrovich.

      21st Independent Order of Suvorov Pechentsky Red Banner Rifles Brigade. Whew!

      Here's what Steen has on Muzykin:


      The 13 February 1947 command will add a bit to the general's details. Do you have this unit in your Orders of Battles volumes Gerd? I'm curious as to what an Independent Guards Rifles Brigade DID-- and where. tt SEEMS a "step down" for Muzykin as a former divisional commander, so I wonder if THIS "brigade" was more important, somehow.

      Thanks, guys. :beer:

      Rick, unfortunately the Independent Brigades or Brigades in general aren?t covered in the volumes, i have. :( They are mentioned sometimes in the Divison Histories, but not listed seperatly.


    4. Gerd:

      A local collector here in Maryland sold off most of his collection back about four years ago now, and this was part of it. I THINK (note that's an I THINK) Nota Bene ended up with this one. I personally never owned it, though I did see it in person. Send me a PM if you'd like more info. Hope I can help!


      Thanks, Dave. I bought it indeed from Alexei about two years ago. I will send you a pm tomorrow, its bed time now :sleep:

      Thanks, i though, you might be able to help me :beer:

    5. I just went through my files and found this picture. I would like to know, who posted this photo? I suspect, it was Dave, as he owned the group before me, but i am not sure and coulnd?t find the thread. I noticed, that at this point there are documents to some of the Medals (not visible, which ones), which didn?t came with the group, when i bought it. I would appreciate it very much, if the poster of this photo could check, if he still has this documents and they were accidently not included.

      The lower picture is, how i got the group. The documents must be out there :(

      Thanks in advance


    6. I imagine, people like Comrade Filenius were the Doctors, who had to deal with headshots, missing parts in the face and so on...

      Military Medical Personal in a war are also Heros to me. Even today its a tough job and it will probably allways be, but at that time and under that condition it really must have been hell, keeping the Soviet Casualties in mind. He must have seen a lot, i guess...

      I don?t mind, that its not a combat award and i am very proud to take care of Colonel Filenius Order of the Red Banner :beer:

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