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    Gerd Becker

    For Deletion
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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Glad, you all liked it. The memories of the veterans are just great and the Flash-Presentation is one of the best, i have ever seen. Fantastic work!

      I wish, our friend Rick could see this, but his squirrel-powered Computer can?t handle things like Flash-presentations and website in alien language. :P

    2. One must keep in mind, that the book was written 1997 and of course do come new fact to light every now and then. Compared to other references it has not very much mistakes and is still today THE BOOK for collectors of soviet awards. Maybe the new book from Shishkov and Muzalevsky will take its place one day, but without a doubt its still one of the most reliable references on the market.

      A very respected russian collector told me that there was no change of Liberation of Belgrade Medals for Military Merit Medals, does anyone know more about this?



    3. Actually, the undies were pretty cute......... "Tighty-Whities" that the guy drew an Iron cross on the butt with magic marker!! :cheeky:

      I can see replacing something that was lost with an original. But it must be noted as an "add-on". Anything else does constitute fraud.

      In my opinion and maybe i am a little picky, even that is already a step to far. Notes get lost over the time or the next buyer "forgets" this detail when reselling the group.

      Maybe for Display purposes, when i have a spare one, but never, when i resell a group.

      Just my two Euro Cents...

    4. Actually I'm not sure. I would think that ПЛИЕВ should be Pliev but perheps this is out of date???

      Kind Regards

      Steen Ammentorp

      The Generals of World War II

      Its spelled Pliyev in the rest of my research-translations and the wikipedia entry also used Pliyev:


      Further it is spelled this way in a copy of a Unit-History of the 4th Guards Cossack Cavalry Corps, i have.

      Hope, this helps.



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