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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Today arrived the citation to this order to Comrade Karelin, i found it most interesting:

      1. Last Name, Name, and Patrionymic: Karelin, Ivan Trofimovich

      2. Rank: Guards Senior Lieutenant

      3. Duty Position: Commander, 3rd Squadron, 34th Guards Cossack Kuban Cavalry Regiment

      4. Birthdate: 1908

      5. Nationality: Russian

      6. Party Membership: candidate member since 1943

      7. In the Red Army: 1930-1940 and since 1941

      8. Participation in combat: Bashtanka on 10.3.44 and Novo Petrovka on 13.3.44

      9. Wounds or Contusions: wounded three times

      10. Inducted by: Georgievsky Regional Military Commissariat

      11. Awards: Red Star for combat at Perekop

      12. Home of Record: Stavropol krai, Gershevsky region, Stanitsa Lysogorekaya

      Short description of Combat Feat or Accomplishments:

      "On (missing) 1944, in combat for the regional center of the Nikolaev oblast-Bashtanka, where the regiment in conjunction with other units (missing), comrade Karelin?s squadron was sent to the outskirts of the village where they occupied a defensive position. After a certain time the enemy went on the attack. Despite superior enemy forces, all their attempts to penetrate into the village where repelled by the squadron. The enemy lost 120 dead sodiers and officers, (missing) machineguns and three vehicles, thus retreated.

      On 13.3.44 in the vilage of Novo Petrovka while repelling an enemy counterattack, Comrade Karelin?s squadron employed a captured artillery piece, killing as many as 50 Hitlerites.

      On 16.3.44, Comrade Karelin?s squadron arrived at a crossing site on the Ingul River and in the course of a day repelled four enemy counterattacks, thus denying the enemy the opportunity to cross the river and killing as many as 40 Hitlerites in the process.

      Signed Commander 34th Guards Cossack Kuban Cavalry Regiment, Guards Major Geras(?)

      Endorsed Commander 9th Guards Cossack Kuban Red Banner Cavalry Division, Guards General Major Tutarinov on 23. March 1944

      Endorsed Commander 4th Guards Cossack Cavalry Corps, Guards General Lieutnant Plieb on 25. March 1944

      Awarded the Order of the Red Banner by order 025/N of the 3rd Ukrainian Front dated 9.4.44"

      The final title of the 9th Guards Cavalry Division was "9th Guards Kuban Cossack Cavalry Slonim Luminets Baranovichi twice Order of the Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky " Looks, like these guys have seen a lot of action.

    2. For the Gentlemens pleasure starting at only 699 Euro :beer:


      Kevin in Deva. :beer:


      better stay away from this seller. He is selling a lot of rare orders and Medals, but most of it is as fake as it can be. There is something fishy with this group, as he gives no guarantee as he does with some of his common pieces, which are real. He had some strange groups lately.

      I would not buy a Victory over Germany from this seller :shame:

    3. "Hey Mossy! Nice "Commander Keen" avatar!" :P

      Where, oh where, would you find a picture of Krusty with a giant red circle with a line through it? Is there a site that caters to the taste of clown-haters?

      On a more serious note, you see groups with two red banners but the second is another red baner, not a 'second awarding' version. Is there a reason for this, such as the 'second awarding' versions were produced after the soldier had been given his medal?


      Sam, when someone got a second ORB, it was not mandatory to get an ORB with a number-shield. I have seen a lot of groups with several ORB?s which were simple first award examples, sometimes mixed with multiple award versions.

      Here is my new baby. ORB Nr. 114.934 with a tiny "7" manufacturer mark on the reverse, a lovely piece in nice condition. Research is ordered of course ;) Thanks to Eric for letting me have this one!

      Hope, you like it:

    4. Hey, but as we speak of these old models, how to forget the Renault 4L? (Quite the same I drive, btw :P The only difference is that mine is from 89 and is kind of white ivory, and because the law demands it has 2 external rear view mirrors ;) )

      Dolf :beer:

      My Mom loved her R 4 :love: She still mentions it from time to time. I had a R 5 as my first car, bright yellow with red mirrors and other details. Was a funny car, rusted like hell, but was a fun car. Unfortunately the axis broke in a curve as it was rusted through :speechless1:

      The 2CV under the best 10 cars??? :cheeky: I guess, the jury never really drove one. There was a story around, that if you get this car to turn over in a curve, you?ll get a new one from Citroen, don?t know if that was true, but though...


    5. Thanks for your additional informations Gerd. Actually, I have already download a copy of your precious data base last year and I had a look at it. Is it being updated from time to time?

      Research is not yet in progress. I'm saving money for the time I'm being in Berlin if ever I find something interesting here. :unsure:

      But, when I'll come back home, it should be in my priorities with one of my group.

      By the way, here is the last Red Banner I have in my collection. I got it from a forum member I think last year. Only research could tell if it is a made up group.

      Hi Bryan,

      i can only recommend you to use this database in the future:


      These are serialnumbers, which are personally observed by forum members and were proved by award cards or other documentation. I can?t guarantee the same for the database, you got from me some time ago, as that one wasn?t completely made by myself.


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