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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Thank you, gentlemen, for your kind words. Unfortunately, I missed another family relic. My great grandmother (from mother's side) was awarded with Lenin order. She was a high school principal for many years and probably was awarded in 1950th for a good service. I remember that order, I saw it many times when I was a kid. My great grandmother passed away when I was 5 or 6. Some years later we moved to bigger appartment and the order was sold out to partially cover the price we payed. Mother told me it was sold for 300 USD - very big money for USSR at that period. They sold it with a box and order book, so nothing left. I don't even remember the number. For five last years I'm trying to find it to redeem, but with no luck. I know only the name - Stroynikova Mariya Andreewna. But most likely the order was used either for jewellery black-market production or for dentistry (golden crowns or bridges).

      But I still have some hope. Who knows...

      Just fantastic to have a Family group. :beer: I have the War Merit Cross 2nd class with swords, which was awarded to my mom, but no documents or photos.

      Thanks a lot for sharing.

      Fingers crossed, that the Lenin to your Great Grandma will pop up somewhere one day.


    2. Dave,

      How did that happen? I would not want to be the one wearing that one on a suspension! I would think that this is a one of a kind mistake!

      Nice dark enamel on your Gerds!


      that ORB has a very dark patina and i had to make the picture a little lighter to see the details, so the color of the enamel is probably a bit misleading.

      The one from Dave was converted to suspension because of the regulation changes in 1943. Many Screwback-Orders were converted to Suspension, but rarely was the screwpost not completely removed. Some wearers prefered to keep them as an additional attachment to avoid damage due to swinging.


    3. Hi Gerd,

      What did you mean by this one being a rare version. What makes this one different?

      The number is: 162 139

      Hi Paul,

      sorry, i may have worded my reply wrong due to my exitement. I saw the serialnumber of the one, your talking about, in the meantime.

      Your 2nd award ORB, Nr. 18.324 is special, as there are only a few observed in this serianumber-range for this particular subvariation. The normal serialnumber-range for this variantion is observed between 85XX to 165XX. Take a look on the mondvor-website, its Type 3 Variation 4 Subvariation 3 there(phew!):


      (takes some time to load)

      The serialnumber of your 2nd award ORB is in the area of the next variation, which has the two-line mint-mark.

      Know, what i mean?


    4. Talking of Red Banners of Labour remindes me why I got into Soviet Medals, it was first medal I bought. I just love symbolism of the large Hammer and Sickle and it was only ?10.00 (that was three years with its document)

      I Currently own three of them,

      1. A rather dubious Type 1 wich has been shown on the forum before.

      2. Type 5 Variation 2 No. 287685

      3. Type 6 Variation 1 No. 859019.

      Does any body know why on the Type 6 the hammer goes under sickle and on all other variations the Hammer goes over the sickle?

      I guess, they just had to make new ones, as the stock was empty. A part of early Type 6 ORBL?s still have the old Hammer&Sickel.


    5. I currently own three ORB's,

      1. Type 2 Variation 2 No. 36411

      2. Type 3 Variation 2 No. 272250

      3. Type 4 No. 537323

      When I work out how to post pic's on here I will show you some pic's.

      Order of Victory

      I looke forward to see them OoV :cheers:

      Here is another one of mine. A Type 3, Serialnumber 136.023, one of the last observed for this subvariation. Its in beautiful condition and research is in progress :beer:

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