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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Thank you, Rick. I like it too very much. :jumping: The Medals were proudly worn and show a lot of patina. It talks to you....

      I guess, there were a lot of variations for this document. Let?s hunt for different ones :cheers:


      PS: Will post the other thread tonight or tomorrow latest.

    2. This came in today. A group to Baktibay Zholmukanov with the following awards:

      Order of the Great Patriotic War 2nd Class Nr. 1.678.618

      Medal for Military Merit Nr. 2.459.158

      Medal for Military Merit without s/n

      Medal for the Capture of Koenigsberg

      Medal for the Capture of Berlin

      Medal for Victory over Germany

      Medal 30 years of the Soviet Army & Navy

      Sino-Soviet Friendship Medal (Version 1951)

      The Medals are mounted on two Aluminium suspensions, probably everything re-mounted, when he received his Sino-Soviet Friendship Medal. The Medals were polished, as there are traces left, as you can see on the photos. All of the awards are documented and there is additionally a 1962 Military ID.

      First Medalbar:

    3. I have just aquired this medal bar from the pictures it looks to be the the Lucite type, Here a list of the medals I can identify

      Row 1 - Order of Lenin, 3x Order of the Red Banner,

      Row 2 - Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd Class?, Order of GPW 1st Class, Order of the Red Star, Medal for the Defense of Caucasus.

      Row 3 - Victoy over Germany, Medal for Liberation of Warsaw, For the Capture of Berlin, 30th Anniversary of the Soviet Army.

      Row 4 - No Idea

      Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd Class is just guess. If any one can identify any of the medals on this bar it would appreciated.

      This is what i read:

      Row 1: Order of Lenin, 3X ORB, Suvorov 2nd class

      Row 2: Khmelnitsky 2nd class, OGPW 1st class, ORS, Caucasus,

      ROw 3: VoG, Warsaw, Berlin, 30 years Army,

      Row 4: I guess, they are Polish, Polonia Restutia, ???, ???


    4. Hello!

      Does anyone of you now something of romanian ordes - especially the order of the crown and the order of the star of romania - given to german officers during the war at the eastern front? It would be great if someone can give me some details about the orders and about the amount of them given as i asked before!

      Thanks a lot in advance


      Hello and welcome from S?d-Westfalen :beer:

      Romanian Orders were definately give to german soldiers in WW 2. I could find one example of a Medalbar in the collection of our member Gary B. :


      (See post #11)

      I have seen more Medalbars with Romanian Awards, so it wasn?t that unusual...



    5. Hi Gerd,

      I agree. I wouldn't certainly do it... even if I already got a discount, as it is $84,000 (only)!!

      But, if I had the money... maybe I would buy it (with a nice discount), just to get a nice one, the time to find a "real" historical one, issued. And, again, if i had the money :off topic: , may be I would keep both of them!!!



      Hi Christophe,

      my bad, read the price wrong. Its indeed 84.000 Dollar, but thats not much better.

      I still wouldn?t buy it, as i love my collectibles for the story behind and the things, they may have seen. What was it awarded for to whom for what? Thats, what is the thrill of collecting for me and not to get every existing variation together. I have no problem with that though, as i do it to a certain degree myself, but if i spend this insane amount of money on one single order, it should have a very nice story with it. This Suvorov has "no life" in my opinion.


    6. Thanks, Gerd,

      For those of us who want to learn, knopwing WHY something is ruled "good" or "bad" is vitally important. So often, a piece is just dismissed as "bad, just because I say so" and it is left there. Setting aside standards of gentlemanly behavior, this helps no one (except, perhaps, the poster's ego). Sure, there is the potential problem of our posts helping the fakers do it better the next time, but so long as the ignorant denizens of eBay will pay almost any silly price for their tripe, why should they care about our diagnoses?

      Thanks again,


      I agree completely, Ed.

      I will add some other points:

      I like the fact, that one of the arms is bent a little, as if someone tried to check the gold-content. I like the gold-color on this piece, as its that, what i would await from a Glory 1st class.

      I DON`T like the style of the "5" and the "9"(found another piece in my files with a 9 in the S/N). Although i don?t know, if they only used one set of stamps to make the S/N. Soviet made a very good point about the star, its a bit too small also in my opinion. And the more i look, the more i think, that is no wear on the Tower, but crude detail. The whole piece looks a little crude, but that could be dings and scratches.

      I have only once in my life hold a real first class and like i said, i am no expert, but i have enough experience to say, that i would never buy a 1st class Slava on ebay or with this pictures and without an opinion from someone, who has seen more than i did.


    7. Big photos as provided by seller. As I said previously, to me, the utter lack of detail on the Spassky Tower says NFG on this point alone....... I am interested in knowing if this is correct, what else tells you this piece is bad? Thanks for indulging my inexperience.


      the lack of detail on the tower could be from wear. I am far from an expert, but there are a lot of things, i like on this Glory 1st class. Only thing, i have noticed, what i did not like, was the style of the "5" in the serialnumber. The S/N were allways stamped on Glory 1st classes, as far as i know.

      If its a fake, its a really really good one...


    8. Hi Stephen,

      i found this one on a fleamarket too. Its not my field of interest mainly, but it wasn?t expensive, so i took the opportunity. There are maps in this one also and for someone, who is interested in the war 1870/71, it could be a very nice research-source. If someone is interested to trade it against Soviet Medals, Documents, reference-books, send me a pm.

      Her is the imprinted EK 1870 on the reverse of the cover:

      Look forward to the pictures.


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