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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Guys,

      just for the case, any of you buy from the ebay-sellers pumbark or artreti, they are somehow connected and they bid on their own stuff with another identity. Take a look on this feedback:

      Edited out

      Just a new collector gone mongolia mad or are these sellers trying to cheat?

    2. Super nice group, Ed. :love: Thanks for sharing :beer:

      If you don?t have it yet, here is the Unit-History of the 116th Rifle Division:

      formed on 13. January 1942 from the 457th Rifle Division in the Transbaikal Military District with:

      441st Rifle Regiment

      548th Rifle Regiment

      656th Rifle Regiment

      406th Artillery Regiment

      246th Antitank Battalion

      250th Sapper Battalion

      178th Reconnaissance Battalion

      The 457th had been formed late in 1941, so none of the elements of the 116th Rifle Division had been in existence in any form for more than three months, when it started west for the active front on 7. February 1942. By 2. March the division was arriving at Kaluga, southwest of Moscow, and on 23. March 1942 it was assigned to the 50th Army in the Western Front. It stayed there until August 1942, when the division was shipped south and added to the 1st Guards Army in the Stalingrad Front. By the end of September the division was moved to the Don Front, and it fought throughout the destruction of the German 6th Army in Stalingrad in the 66th Army of the Don Front. The 116th went into the STAVKA-Rerserves in February 1943 in the 66th Army. In early May 1943 the division was assigned to the 53rd Army in the Steppe District (later Steppe Front). On 3. August 1943 the 116th was in the first echelon aussault wave in the 53rd Army attack, that broke through to liberate Kharkov. In honor of this feat, on 23 August the division received the honorific title "Kharkovskaya". The division remained in the 53rd Army in the Steppe (after 20. October 2nd Ukrainian Front) until January 1944. During the fighting around the Korsun (Cherkassy) Pocket it shifted to the 5th Guards Army in the 2nd Ukrainian Front, and by the end of February 1944 the 116th became part of the 52nd Army in the 2nd Ukrainian Front. It remained part of the 52nd Army for the rest of the war. After a few weeks in the STAVKA Reserves in late September and October 1944, the 52nd was moved to the 1st Ukrainian Front, and the 116th Rifle Division ended the war in the 48th Rifle Corps in the 52nd Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

      (sorry for the typos, did?t had a coffee yet)

    3. Actually, I was still confused about this part:

      "Especially as you get on google thousands of hits for websites with russian mail-order brides..."

      Is there something you want to tell us, Gerd? :rolleyes:

      (I never play. If I remarkably DO know an answer, I can't think of a question, or vice versa. That's my story and I'm sticking to it....

      so somebody still actually mails CATALOGS, Gerd?....)


      Ya know what i mean, man :P:cheeky:

    4. Honorary Labor Medal

      Type 1.1 (Ribboned screwback suspension; Uighur; SN with "No." prefix)

      Low = 214 High = 985

      Type 1.2.1 (Ribboned screwback suspension; Uighur; SN without prefix, seperately soldered ring)

      Low = 1569 High = 11953

      Type 1.2.2 (Ribboned screwback suspension; Uighur; SN with "No" prefix above the SN)

      Low = 10663 High = 10668

      Type 1.2.3 (Ribboned screwback suspension; Uighur; SN without prefix, ring part of the medal)

      Low = 12001 High = 16519

      Type 2.1 (Ribboned pinback suspension; Cyrillic; SN stamped)

      Low = 16785 High = 21354

      Type 2.2 (Ribboned pinback suspension; Cyrillic; SN rotating tool engraved)

      High = 35869

      Type 3 (Enameled pinback suspension; SN rotating tool engraved)

      Low = 737 High = 4892

      Type 4 (Enameled pinback suspension; SN rotating tool engraved; aluminum) IS THE SAME AS TYPE 3 , was a mistake from my part, there is no such thing as aluminum HLM's

      Medal for Selflessness/Medal for Distinction in Prodtecting Public Order

      Type 2.1 (Two red bands and one blue band; SN rotating tool engraved)

      High = 1232

      Hope this helps



      regarding the Honorary Labor Medal, the most recent type seems to be from aluminium. I guess, you have seen it on ebay too, right? ;)


    5. Is it Galina Vishnevskaya?

      Was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Honored Artist of the USSR and several other foreign awards.

      She is married to the famous Violinist Mstislav Rostropovich and they run together the Vishnevskaya-Rostropovich Foundation, which cares for the health of russian children.

    6. Or......

      The consignor decided not to sell the pieces. Or perhaps Igor decided to take them down to list them up later if he has heard of a potential raise in prices. All sorts of possibilities!

      Chances are though that they were sold to a deep-pocketed Russian. In the cloth world, we've encountered some of these guys. The head of one of Russia's largest oil firms is a big-time uniform collector and has no problem dropping lots and lots and lots of money on what he wants. He's willing to drop more on a single uniform that he wants than I make in an entire year! Kind of tough to be in competition with people like that!


      Good points, Dave. I don?t know, if these were his or if he had them on consignement.


    7. Well, like I said, the legit dealers usually don't object. Free publicity is free publicity!

      I agree, that must have been some kind of special check Igor received! Probably had Brinks make the delivery! Can you imagine trusting something like that in the mail system!???

      Yes, imagine, it got lost in the mail :speechless1:

      Nah, the buyer probably flew over to pick up the stuff. Maybe even with his own jet :D

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