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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Well deserved Order of the Red Banner :beer:

      Very nice citation, Dolf.

      This is, what Charles Sharp writes in his OOB-books about the 77th Howitzer Brigade:

      formed in December 1942 in the 26th Artillery Division with the 229th, 305th and 429th Howitzer Regiments. The 77th was a "mixed howitzer" brigade, since the 229th and the 305th were equipped with 20 122mm Howitzer each, while the 429th had 20 152mm heavy howitzers. Early in 1943 the 429th was redesignated as the 78th Guards Howitzer Regiment. The brigade was assigned to the 26th Artillery Division for the entire war.


      PS: Still waiting for the answer on you know, what ;)

    2. This particular set fits me, being a 6 foot 2 size 44L U.S. type Comrade, so eventually perhaps I shall model it for a better look. :rolleyes:

      I would even pay to see that :cheeky:

      Great uniforms :love:

      Rick, any chance of a closeup of the ribbon-bar or the Major, you posted last?


    3. Of what metal composition are the retaining nuts constructed of?

      Normally everything, what touches the uniform, is made of non-corrosing metals like silver or brass, and the early screwdisks are from silver.

      Can someone tell me, what the later screwdisks are made of? Some are very light and others are much heavier.

      I would agree on the Red Banner, btw.



      EDIT: Dave was fasterobviously...

    4. Gerd,

      At that time when I was not in forum, mister Richie C very detailed has told about the Soviet military helmets. :beer:

      I can advise to buy you Ssh-39 on three rivets, it is a guarantee that the helmet is made up to 45 years. As it is necessary to pay attention to color, it should be be brightly green on early helmets.

      Unfortunately, the Soviet helmets and пилотки a wartime in Russia are very rare also cost high. A helmet approximately 200-250, and пилотка 100-400 (the price depends on one year of manufacturing)


      Yes, that was very educating, great contribution from Richie. Thanks for the advice, Vladimir. I already assumed, it will be about 200-250 Dollar, when i find one at all. Its not urgent, as i have to pay some other things before i can afford to buy a helmet. But i want one!!!

      best regards,


    5. By the way RLB, I admit publicly that I am "in love" with your Pilotka... I do not have such an exquisite example. Please, show more of your items...

      Richie C


      thanks a lot for the information. I will probably keep my eyes open for the book, you mentioned, although i only want one example of a soviet helmet. But at least now i know, what to look for. :beer:

      Thanks again.


    6. We almost never see old Soviet helmets, only new ones, and those are very often Warsaw Pact types, not actually Russian-made ones. So a lot of us (me too) do not know how to tell if a helmet was made in 1943... or 1983.

      I like the pilotka very much-- the extra stitching around where the red star once was is a nice personalized feature! :beer:

      Ahhhh, that explains of course the lacking info on the internet.

      Thanks, Rick.


    7. Hello RLB,

      i was hoping, you could give me an overview of the helmets, that were in use during the war and later in soviet times. Are helmets from WW2 hard to find or are there still plenty of them around? What should i expect to pay for a battle-worn original helmet? And what do i have to look for on originals?

      Like i said, i know nothing about soviet helmets, so i would appreciate any info.


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