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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. OK, I'm way behind on my "learning" of cyrillic. We have two nuts, two types:

      Moscow Artists' Collaberative-Mirror Back & Nut marked

      Monetny Dvor Is the "Money Mint" Moscow, or Leningrad?

      Still trying to figure out where the Leningrad Mint fits into the scheme?

      And I'll ask again........ does anybody have and/or know of any of these that were made in "real silver"?


      Thats a tough one, Rick. Normally "Monetny Dvor" stands for Moscow Mint and "Leningradskii Monetny Dvor" stands for Leningrad Mint. But you find "Monetny Dvor" marked pieces made in Leningrad mint too, OGPW 2nd classes for example.

    2. :( Yep, a little bummed over this, but it's my own fault. In studying all his photos (the guy who had the set) the 2 stars I received are the ones he showed, but I checked the RB's, not the RS's. We shall see what he has to say.....

      (I will confess to still being outrageously pleased with everything else and the matching orders book!)


      I have noticed that on his Website, but thought, he just switched the pictures :speechless:

      I hope he knows, where the right ones are.

    3. I'd like to add that one thing that you cannot discount. When the paperwork comes in, there can never be any doubt as to what went with whom. No doubts as to completeness and originality. it's a shame not all collectors value those little details. It's a shame that the time will probably come when we will no longer have access to these archives. I for one would grab everything I could get, while I still can.

      Thats, what i do, Rick. I have research for the most of my higher orders and for the most of my groups. I don?t care, what is in that group and if i already have 10 Types of every order or medal, as long as its interesting or researchable or in the best case, both. I will have even more of my single pieces researched, as it is not only, that you get information about the recipient and why it was awarded, but your order gets back to life again and if you are lucky, you also have a face to go with it.

      You know, i collected Imperial Minis, but i never could afford or was lucky enough to get a traceable Mini-chain. But with this soviet awards, there is so much to research, it will be enough for all my life, i guess. I only really started to appreciate collecting, since i began with Soviet Awards.


    4. Here is the full Unit History of the 216th Rifle Division:

      216th Rifle Division

      Started forming on 29. September 1941 near Kharkov with:

      589th Rifle Regiment

      647th Rifle Regiment

      665th Rifle Regiment

      656th Artillery Regiment

      690th Signal Battalion-became 811th Signal Company in December 42

      The 216th Rifle Division formed up in just a few weeks, and was assigned to the reformed 38th Army in Southwestern Front in October.From mid November 1941 the 216th was in the South Front, attacking the northern flank of the German Force in Rostov and driving them back to the Mius River in the early winter. During this offensive began south and north of Kharkov, the 216th was under the 18th Army in the South Front. The 18th Army retreated into the Caucasus ahead of the German advance, and from July 1942 until August 1943 the 216th fought under the Caucasus Fronts. It was under the 47th Army along the Black Sea coast from August 1942 until March 1943, and in September the division provided cadre to help form the 2nd Naval Infantry Brigade out of Black Sea sailors. From late March until August 1943 the 216th Rifle Division was in the 56th Army of the North Caucasus Front, fighting on the Taman peninsula. At the end of August the division was transfered north to the 51st Army in the South Front (after 20. October 1944 renamed as 4th Ukrainian Front) and then, after the liberation of the Crimea in May 1944, shifted north to the 1st Baltic Front in June 1944. During the pursuit after the destruction of the German Army group Center, the 51st Army (they were in the 51st since August 1943) advanced into Lithuania and the southern baltic in the late summer of 1944, and by late October 1944 had been transferred from the 51st Army to the 4th Shock Army in the 1st Baltic Front. At the end of 1944 the 216th RD went to the 2nd Belorussian Front, to the 124th Rifle Corps. It remained in that Corps for the rest of the war, shifting from th 49th Army to the 3rd Army and finally, in April 1945 to the 50th Army in the 3rd Belorussian Front, fighting in East Prussia and Pomerania, near the Baltic Coast of Germany.

      (Source: Charles Sharp, Soviet OOB WW2)

      Great ORB and very cool research, Rick. :jumping: I am jealous. :blush:


    5. How about this one? The medaillon seems to be double-punched(?) and is noticable thicker, if you look from this perspective. The medaillon is 2mm thick on the top and others, i have checked (ealier and later ones) have medaillons up to 1,5mm thick. There also is a seam in the middle of the edge of the medaillon. I don?t know, if its that unusual, but i thought, its interesting.

    6. That's a really interesting little group. My bet is that the MM is a delayed award for wounds, though at the same time it's probably a combined 10 year and "hey, he was wounded in the war and didn't get anything else" medal. This one would be interesting to research, I think.


      Thanks, Dave. This can?t be a complete group, right? Shouldn?t there be at least a VoG or a Victorious Labor in GPW?


    7. Hello everyone,

      this was surprisingly in my mailbox this morning. Its a gift of one of our members here (Thanks again, you know who you are) and consists of an unnumbered Military Merit Medal with Document, awarded 15th of December 1951, probably a Long Service award and an 85 Issue OGPW 2nd class. I tried my best, but the name was not to translate for me so far except his first name Vasily. Any help is most appreciated.

      Here is the OGPW document

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