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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. 40 mm!!!..... That's tiny :speechless1: I was expecting it to be about 100 mm, just shows how without scale it's difficult to judge a size of some of these awards.



      I guess, its the medium version, as the one in H?skens cataloge shows the big version, which is probably the 60 mm version. So there is probably an even smaller medal. He gives a value of 900 DM, but his prices were high back then, but the market prices now are quite close to his in Euro :speechless1: . For example, he says a Paratrooper-badge is 600 DM and today its 300-400 Euro.


    2. Hi Guys,

      I just saw the title of this thread, thought to myself, sounds interesting. No pics though! :(

      Rosenberg please consider reposting the images. I like the more unusual too. I just don't get around to checking the forums out so often.

      All the best,



      i agree completely with Toby. I like the unusual too, but i am very rarely able to comment on these kind of items. I don?t want to leave only "WOW! Nice piece!" posts on the whole forum. ;)

      Stay with us and show us more :cheers:


    3. Hi Larry,

      here you go:

      Nr. 1 is her registration card.

      Joanna Pietras, born 10.02.1923 in Knapy, District Siersdach (Poland), agricultural worker. Home is Knapy.

      Nr. 2 reverse

      From 04.03.1942 until today moved to Ederen, Nr. 63(?) from Knapy....

      Nr. 3 is her deregistration for Ederen from 02.08.194?

      Same entries like Nr. 1

      Nr 4 revers of above is a compendium from a decree of registration.

      Nr. 5 is an residence announcment(?) for workers of the polish "Volkssturm"

      It just says, she was from 04.03.1942 to 09.03.1942 in Ederen.

      Nr. 6 is another confirmation of the local mayor, that she moved to Ederen on the 04.03.1942. "moving in of a foreigner" is the subject.

      Nr. 7 is the acknowledgement of receipt of her workers card.

      Nr. 8 is just a confirmation, that the other documents had been sent and the wish to send one of them back officially stamped to the sender.

      Nr. 9 reverse of above with confirmation, that the document has been sent back and she was filed away and that the District Administrator was informed.

      Nr. 10 I am lost with that adress, sorry.

      I am working on that letter, but i cannot promise anything, as i am not so good with S?tterlin handwriting and she is writing in a german, which is typical for a Polish and not so easy to understand. I will try it again later, when i had some coffee.


    4. Gerd you little commie, you are shooting der fuehrer!!!! :speechless1::lol:

      Come on, my Nazi-brother :P Don?t you see the resemblance?Thats YOU!!! :cheeky:

    5. No problem Marcus, any cases I have are at your disposal! I am still hoping to get to Germany but the money situation looks grim. I just could not pass these 2 deals up!!!

      What no Germany this year??? :speechless1::shame::angry::violent::hitler:

    6. The only problem here, at least for me in the past, has been for every person who "comes into the fold" and does start to at least attempt to learn, to gain knowledge, to not just throw money away.... there's a dozen you contact in a very friendly "Gee, you might wish to consider" manner..... only to be verbally berated, harrassed and insulted. OK, I make no claim to being an expert at anything. Certain things I have some experience with. I try to pass that experience on when/where I can.

      Unfortunately, theres a great number of people who feel they are infinitly smarter than me. OK, no problem....... Keep buying blind. It leaves the real pieces for me.

      Thats true, Rick. They don?t deserve wasting time for them, i agree. But i am talking about the devoted collectors, the one, who noticable show real interest in the history behind the item and not only see the dollar involved. Thats one of the problems, the money involved in this hobby nowadays. If money is involved, greed or envy isn?t far away.


    7. Gentlemen,

      i agree with all that has been said and especially Wild Cards last point is very important in my opinion. I have seen on other forum much too often that "High-End-collectors" not condescend(?) themselves to help out the Newbie. A lot of the literature for collectors is very expensive and some are working with a low budget, so many of them better spend their money for orders and medals than for Collectors literature, which is probably not smart, but understandable. Its good for these Newbies to have access to the knowledge of more experienced collectors.

      I am very glad, that it is different to other forums here and i must say, i am learning much more under this congenial athmospere. :beer: We have some real experts for the most areas of collecting here, which are very cooperative with younger or newer collectors :cheers:


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