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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. I have heared, that these red Order of Glory boxes where used for foreigners.

      Maybe just a rumour or misinformation.



      I guess, you are right, Andreas. If i am not mistaken, this glory is the one shown on Daves website from an American, ACMM Cecil R. Haycraft, US Navy.

      Dave, as you don?t show the reverse of the Glory on your website and as there is no S/N-entry in the orders book, i wonder, is it numbered at all? Nice piece, btw :cheers:


    2. Gerd, it seems it was written by a woman, who is an owner of the orderbook??? I guess it was written by illeterate granny...

      Dave, I used to serve for some insane admirals at the North Fleet also... but they were not retired... :violent: You cannot image what they said and wrote... :speechless1:

      Dima, retired ExO of Delta-4


      its written on the last page in the ordersbook to Pavel Philonovich Velichko. I don?t know, maybe written from his wife?

      Thanks again, guys.


    3. My Mongolian Best Herder Badge arrived from Germany of all places today. A most impressive piece of enamel work, only appreciated in hand. There's an earlier style than this that is extremely crude....

      This one is numbered 3660

      Very nice :love: Rick, you are hooked :cheers::jumping::cheeky:


    4. No problem. After all it's Christmas time :jumping:

      One day I hope to own another DKiG, but the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine bug has caught again. Not to mention Gerd who keeps showing his Russian stuff :rolleyes:

      Haha :cheeky: , i wish, mate :blush: Forget all that uniteresting Soviet Stuff and send it to me, all worries gone :P You are sleepy, very sleepy.... now take that Order of Lenin.... :lol:

      Btw, i thought, you dotted DKiG was a beauty :beer: I am sorry, you were talked into send it back :(


    5. This one was actually researched by my researcher then sold to me, so I don't know exactly how he did it. However, I assume he simply researched the name through the archives, or perhaps got a general time period for the Ukaz (it was in October 1957) and went from there. I'm currently having another unnumbered Valor medal that's just a book and medal combination, and an unnumbered Military Merit medal that's the senior medal in a group to an admiral (impressive career!) researched, so we'll see how those turn out.


      As far as he told me, he is also able to make research only with a Name.

      Nice Christmas-Present :beer:


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