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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. This are his terms:

      "Privatverkauf, nach neuem EU-Recht muss man jetzt ja darauf hinweisen!

      Keine Gew?hrleistung, keine Garantie, keine R?cknahme, keine Nachverhandlungen,

      da dies in keiner Relation zum erzielten Verkaufspreis steht !

      Wer auf diesen Artikel bietet, erkl?rt sich mit diesen Verkaufsbedingungen einverstanden!

      Wer diese Bedingung nicht akzeptiert, soll das Bieten auf diesen Artikel einfach lassen!"

      "Private Sale, going by the new EU-law one has to reference this. No guarantee, no return, no re - negotination, as this is not in relation with the sales price (note: whatever he wants to say with that). Who bids on this article, accepts this sale-terms. Who does not accept these terms, should just not bid!"

      I tried to translate it as close as possible...

      I wouldn?t buy a Jubilee Medal from him :sleep:

    2. I suppose somebody wasn't able to read the scribbled black number and cleaned just that spot to make it legible.

      I'm getting SO twitchy now about what is "out there" that I don't plan to touch ANYTHING that I own, since any alteration could be not simply cleaning but ... hiding something, to anyone not there when it was done.

      I agree, Rick. :beer: You see, i am suspicous too. But i think, thats the explantion. Thank you!!


    3. Hello Gentlemen,

      i would like to have some comments to this serialnumber. Does the style look ok? Another strange thing is, that the patina is missing in the lower part (under the blue line). I can?t see anything, what implies, that the number was replaced. I can see no scratches or buff marks and inside the s/n-engraving there is a good amount of patina.

      I think, its probably fine, but just to be sure, what do you think?

      Thanks in advance



    4. Nice Picture, Kim. :cheers:

      This is a photo, which was part of a group (the OOR, which i posted last, belongs to this group), i got last year. This is Ivan Semyenovich Mukhin, telephonist and Mortar man in WW2, wounded twice. He worked as a lathe operator at the Dnepropetrovsk Factory "in the name of Karl Liebknecht" later. I still wonder, what exactly he got his awards for. Rick said, the Red-Star may be a belated award for his wounds in WW2. Every comment to that topic is more than welcome.

      I think, he may have been good in enhancing or advancing equipment or invented something important in regard to Military Readiness? Pure speculation, of course...

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