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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Oh Lord, he was even more boring than my writer of "mountain novels!" :cheeky:

      In Wer Ist's? 1935:

      Born Recklinghausen 15 June 1874 son of "Gro?industrialist" August ten Hompel and Henrietta Wicking. He married Maria Strunk of Recklingshausen and had: Adolf, Maria, Elisabeth, Irmgard, and Carl-Gregor.

      Lt. d.R. 13 May 1899 in Bavarian Feldartillerie Regiment 11. This is a pre-1905 photo since no Luitpold Jubilee Medal. In 1913 he'd gone to the Landwehr II, still same rank, with 1905 Luitpold Jubilee and Bavarian LD2. (No mention of ANY military service in his Wer Ist's, and no Crown anyway to any possible BMV4X)

      His pseudonym for his :sleep::sleep::sleep: works was "Hermann Wahroder."

      :lol: Thanks, Rick. Maria Strunk von Recklinghausen, thats too funny. :lol:

      Ah, a pseydomym, thats why i couldn?t find anything about him.


    2. Hi David,

      i have some connections to WW2 throught my Mother, who was a Marinehelferin in Kiel in WW2 and won a Bravery Award (KVK with X), my father and my uncle, who were both in the RAD. My father later became Luftwaffenhelfer (he was still very young then) and my Uncle fell in Stalingrad. I have the deathcard of my uncle in a RAD-Uniform and the KVK with swords of my mom (my greatest trasure). Thats all, what survived over the last 60 years.

      you have a most interesting Family history!



    3. Very nice!!! :love:

      I would love to find something like that someday!!! (and an original medal case as well!).

      Thank you very much for sharing it!


      How much are the Prussian LS medals going for these days?

      When you state that the LS medals from other states are pricy... How expensive is pricy?



      Hi Paul,

      sorry, i have missed your question. Lets take some examples:

      Baden LS-Medals and Bavarian LS-Medals are VERY rare, for example. I think, i have never seen one. You can only guess, what the price would be. Hamburg-LS-Medals are at about 700-800 Dollar and some LS-Medals from other states are also in this price-range, maybe a bit higher.

      These are just a few example, you have to save a while, if you want to go for all of them ;)

      The Prussian LS-Medal with "Koenig" is quite rare, i would say 300-400 Dollar, the later one with "K?nig" is more common, you can get one for about 80-100 Dollar, i guess.

      You should buy the Nimmergut-Cataloge, its available on ebay, best resource for German Awards, at least for Imperial. The prices are wrong, like in every other priceguide, but it shows a lot of German imperial Medals and also TR-Medals. I think, the new one is complete in color.



    4. Wow! Very nice bars, every single one of them!!! :cheers:

      The 1813-bar is just fantastic! :love: And the 2-place Braunschweig bar is wondeful and an interesting combination, its hard to find both of them mounted and these both together on a Medalbar is a HIT!!!

      The Hessian 5-place bar is very nice as well. A fighter of WW1, who also fought in WW2 (?KVK) and went in civil service then.

      The Saxon HonorCross is also eveything else than common, especially mounted on Medalbars.

      The 2-place W?rttemberg bar may be common, but its a lovely example. :love:

      Great stuff, Ed. Thanks for sharing. :beer:


    5. Hello everyone,

      i found these two badges on the fleamarket today. They seem to be the GDR-Version of the Soviet Ready for Defense and Labor badges.

      The first one is a "Sportabzeichen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik "Bereit zur Arbeit und zur Verteidigung der Heimat" f?r Kinder in Silber" with document. The badge is made of plastic with a little metalplate added at the bottom. What does the little plate signify?

    6. Gerd,

      Thank you for the translation. I can read German well enough to obtain a solid understanding to what is being stated, yet in case of a purchase I want to be 100% sure!

      Here is what the online translator came up with!

      "It acts with and the down shown stucco of my experts opinion described above after around a contemporary original. Material, quality and execution correspond to the technical literature provable standard course-adapted in me. Slight tolerances are possible."

      I do love collecting LS medals. At the time however, TR are the only ones I have. I would like to branch out to the Imperial States soon. I have not seen any of those for sale. The ones I have seen are very high priced!

      Thank you again!



      You are welcome, Paul.

      Yes, online translators can be funny sometimes. :lol:

      Except the Prussian ones the Imperial Lifesaving Medals are very rare and pricy, so think about that twice ;)



    7. Looking at it again on another monitor, I think Kim has a point. I think that's a very old Voroshilov...

      That is my final answer!

      Mustt be after 1968, as he is wearing two HSU-Stars. Here is a (free) picture from wikipedia.org

      He wears three HSU-stars on this picture, can someone tell me, what he got his third one for?


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