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    Gerd Becker

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    Posts posted by Gerd Becker

    1. Thanks, Ed. I have collected German Imperial Minis and of course like to see, how Minis were worn in other countries. I didn?t even know, it was also done in Arabian Countries. Btw, i have seen the beautiful Mini-group, which you posted on the other thread "Awards of the Indian "Princes"". The quality is just great, comparable to german imperial manufacture, maybe even a tad better. Are they 16mm like their german counterparts?

      Please go ahead and post your Mini-groups too. I would love to see them.



    2. Indeed a very informative thread, thank you :beer:

      Some of the Orders and Medals are very well designed and the quality of some is excellent. I never cared much about Arab Awards, but i will keep my eyes open in the future.

      Ed, you show a miniature of one of the Orders, do you know, how these were worn? Similar to english mini-groups with ribbon?



    3. Privet,

      Some comments:

      - problem with photo, it was re-glued

      - page 9 is filled unprofessionally!!!

      - Military card was issued in 1968, that time the man was a roller worker assistant (?)

      - Awards in the Mil.Card are written with mistakes: "50 years of Soviet Army and..." instead of "50 years of Armed Forces"

      - Not all awards are in Mil.Card and Form-6

      - With 2 serious wounds the man was accounted up to 60 (although it is marked "category 1")

      still open questions:

      - Red Star (a military order) in 1968? - forgotten case maybe

      - OOR in 1974 (???) if he was a roller worker assistant in 1968???

      It seems to be a badge under GPW-1(85), victory jubilee or some "Kutuzov" or "Zhukov" un-official badges. There are so many badges that I cannot find it at once...

      In any case you got a few nice soviet orders, I personally like very much OOR. Unfortunately there 2 types of OOR only, so I keep 2 ORR in my collection but like to have 10-20!!!

      regards, Dima

      Hello Dima,

      i am sorry, i have missed your reply completely. :speechless:

      You are right, the photo was re-glued, but i am quite certain, its indeed Mukhin in younger years.

      Do you think, the mistakes, you mention, are a serious issue? I got this group form a very honest and knowlegable dealer, so i am sure, he didn?t make up anything of the group.

      And i can only agree, i like the OOR too very much. I have two in my collection too, but i would like to trade the undocumented one for a Variation 1 (with extra money, of course)

      I will make a search for the badges, you mentioned. Thanks for that :beer:



    4. Ok, lets try it this way:

      WHO AM I?

      I was born 1744. I attended the Naval Gentlemen Cadet Corps , which i finished in 1766. I took part in the Turkish/Russian war of 1768-1774 as a ship commander. Later i commanded the battleship "Victor" that guarded merchant chips from the piratical activities of the English Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1784 i was the commander of the battleship "Saint Pavel"and a year later i helped to buildt up the Sebastopol Navy base. Further i became the commander of the Black Sea Navy in 1789.

      These are just a few stations of his career, but its too obvious, if i add more. If noone knows (what i doubt) i will add more hints.


    5. Rusty, i think, you were actually the one, who recommended me to buy from Alexei, if i am not mistaken. Everything, i got from him so far was PERFECT and a lot of my stuff is from him. I only wish, i wouldn?t look at his updates so often :lol: "Collecting is addictive" How true! ;)


      PS: Why don?t you send him a link to this forum? :rolleyes:;)

    6. Gerd,

      There's no OOR in post 31 there is one in 34 and it looks good.

      I can't make out the S/N but everything else (enamel) looks legit.

      This is the 2nd variation.

      Thanks, Rusty. I will try to post a scan of the S/N later, but i am quite sure, its ok, as it came from Alexei and also my own impression of the S/N is good with my limited experiance.

      Thanks again. :beer:


    7. Hi George, thanks for explaining that. One question I have been too embarassed to ask over the last few years. Every time I saw the term being used it just looked like any other medal to me. First time I've seen anything like the wings before!!

      As an aside, I'm pretty pleased to see so much activity in here and I am enjoying learning about this interesting (and oft overlooked perhaps) segment of history.

      I agree with both comments.

      Thanks to you guys for making this a very interesting forum. I really enjoy learning about Russian Imperial awards of all kind, so don?t think, the lack of comments is due to lacking interest, only due to lacking knowledge.


    8. Well, lets say, you know Imperial Flightbages better ;) Just kidding, i would be happy with a fraction of your knowledge :cheers:

      Considering the seller, these are all crap. These are either doctored pieces (like the Red-Star, i suppose) or pieces from scrap-metal. They have become very good to fake these, so you have to look for tiny details nowadays and cannot judge from a picture.

      The Nakhimov-Medal has not enough detail and i don?t like the ring at all.

      The Red-Star is probably a later one, which has the Serialnumber replaced. The back seems to have not enough patina for such an old piece IMO. Neither i like the maker-mark nor the style of the serial-number. Also, the screwpost looks a bit strange.

      The screwback OGPW may be ok, but again, considering the source...

      I highly doubt, the suspension OGPW is a legit piece either. Same goes for the group, may be ok, but only a close inspection would tell for sure.

      You better avoid this dealer, Rick. He sold a lot of crap in the past.



    9. * * * * *

      Good question, Gerd. In the absence of a crown, I sort of assumed that mine was a private society, to the extent such a thing existed. As opposed to, say, the Imperial Society of the Red Cross, with its emperor's crown on everything, proclaiming an official sanction and endorsement. Or, more to the point, as opposed to George's firemen's society badges.


      Thank you, Chuck. Maybe George can enlighten us further, when he reads this.


    10. Hello,

      did i get that right, that these Firemens societys were non-official associations for Firemen? Sorry for the weird question, but i wonder if i got the right translation. The german word would be "Verein" then.

      Oh and beautiful badges :love:

      Thanks in advance



    11. Heres a ribbon bar I picked up a little while ago.

      Shows wear and looks to be original, ie not messed with.

      Could this combination order be correct.

      2 st annas w/swords, St stauslas w/swords and the st george ribbon

      Could it be a White Russian post 1918 set up?

      made very much as the germans did..



      IPB Image

      IPB Image

      I can?t help you with your questions, but its indeed very similar to the german style. Very nice ribbon-bar.



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