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    Posts posted by EuRob

    1. Thanks for chiming in on this Gordon and cheers for the update.

      BTW I am led to believe that the 1870 ek 2 class I have was gonna be in 'the book'? I got it from Dave B who mentioned this to me. If you like you can retake a picture of it or I could do it with a very good camera and send lots of pics (for you to choose) to you as TIFFS?



    2. Hi

      Havent been around here for a while (work and researching WW1 EYR battles are keeping me busy lately) and was wondering if anybody can give me a progress report on Gordons new book-The Imperial Iron Cross? Is it out yet or near?



      Also I cant find a link to the thread about this book? I remember the cover art members had done was excellent!

    3. Hello

      I am seeking information on this division, 1917.....from what I gather it was a Prussian division and its recruits were from all areas of Prussia.

      From what I gather it was a brigade made up from:

      1.Gd .Res.

      2. Gd. Res.

      64 Res.

      7 Gd Art.Command

      1 Gd Res F.A. Regt.

      Gd Res. Dragoon

      2nd and 3rd Field Cos. (1 Eng. Battalion 28)

      401 Tel. Detch

      5 Gd T.M.Co

      206 Ambulance Co.

      395 Field Hospital

      Vet. Hospital

      I am seeking info on this division. The place where the recruits for these various units would have trained in Prussia? Magdeburg seems to come to mind but not sure which unit?

      If locations can be confirmed of these various units are the barracks still standing today?

      In 1914 they were part of the 2nd army under 'von Beulow' in Belgium. 1915 the division were in Poland, Smorgoni, France and Cambrai. 1916, Artois, Somme, Flanders. 1917, I have them in Somme, Artois, Flanders, Artois, Lens. 1918, Lens, Carvin, Somme, Le Bassee, Gramont, Cambrai. It is the year of 1917 that I am trying to research in particular,their time in Artois after the Somme (about April-May) under whose command where they under, in Artois?

      If anyone can help me out I would be well happy as I have hit a wall with this!!! :banger: My head is gonna explode!!!



    4. Hi all

      I am currently reading "The Trench-the full story of the Hull pals" ( from Hull myself) and before I get to the 'Oppy wood battle' I was wondering which German army fought against the Hull Pals (10th East Yorks regt) at Oppy Wood in 1917 (not sure if the book will mention which German army until i get to that bit?). I know of a book all about this battle and I will get hold of it one day but I am curious now and would like to know. Hoping one day to visit the Hull memorial at Oppy and from what I know there was a VC winner at this battle, from Hull, Lt John 'Jack' Harrison.

      If any members could help I would be grateful.

      Cheers :cheers:

    5. Very creative presentation. Are you concerned about acid damage? I may have missed it but this doesn't look like acid free paper.

      My wife's best friend is a papers conservator by profession so I get lectured constantly about not touching my autographs bare handed and making sure they are mounted acid free.

      Again - great idea.


      Not sure on that but I think they will be alright, will check them periodically so should be ok.

      thinking of loaning 'the book' to a local museum so others can see the story.

    6. Thanks for the comments

      Very nice presentation!

      I'm wondering though? a: don't the medals damage the paperwork which is on the opposite page? b) doesn't the book get to heavy/thick to handle? c) don't the medals get damaged by the splitpin pushing at the back of them cause of the weight of the whole book?


      I take onboard your comments and I have already thought about this.

      I have taken some leaves of the photo album out as it was getting kind of awkward, medals are ok and the photos the way I have arranged them. I have found a guy who lives local who restores books etc for a living, to a really high standard. I intend to meet up with him and discuss perhaps setting up the book so there are no worries with regards pressure on the medals (most important). I find the medals are ok and the paperwork, it's the book which is taking the flak!

      I still intend to carry on with this method and I guess it was inevitable that I would come across problems, so I found a solution (I hope).

      Watch this space


      I like this alot-where did you get the book from?



      Off ebay for ?20, they pop up from time to time.

    7. Yes Webr55 I too thought of this....I thought these were only awarded to non-Germans? I will post full photo as I am sure he is German??

      I got this pic to go with my KDM w/Metz clasp and CM bar so its not imperative to me to find out what the mystery medal is I am just interested and curious to know. Maybe you are right Webr55, the ribbon and size of the medal could well be a "Krieger-Verdienstmedaille". ?

      Thanks for your input :cheers:


    8. Hello Gents

      I just aint sure about this mini????

      It has been in my collection for a couple of years now. The mini EK is not of a quality finish and thats what feeds my doubt!

      The little ribbon bar does not glow under uv and the ribbon hairs dont melt and it looks/seems period IMO. Could it be a 'gen' non com ribbon bar with a piece of junk sown to it? but the cotton looks good??

      I bought it from ebay.de when I first started collecting.

      What do you more wiser members think???



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